Sunday, October 31, 2010

photo therapy:: 1st B-Day

We are having an bigger b-day party for Kannon next week but in the meantime we celebrated our little dude's birthday as a family of 4.  The day couldn't have been more perfect. 

We relaxed, decided on a whim to visit the aquarium, prepared an awesome dinner, and opened presents. 

Kannon's day was made more complete with a cake smash, pumpkin carving, and his first late night. 

With all the festivity and sugar rush Kannon was up till midnight partying until the cows came home.  What a big boy!  

Before Clark was born, Kannon was my one and only baby and I still saw him as a fragile infant.  Now, I realize just how grown up my little guy has become and I am blown away by the change.

Kannon is a walking, independent, tantrum throwing little dude.  He is amazed by the world around him.  His curiosity guides him around every corner as he explores every facet of his world. 

I can't believe just how grown up my baby is!  I am so proud of the accomplishments and milestones he has achieved and I love sharing this world with him, helping him to understand and explore. 

*Sorry for the poor photo quality, it has been gray and I have been using our point and shoot which takes grainy pics.