Monday, January 31, 2011

Project 365:: Day 31

Day 31 Today we headed to the Olympic Sculpture Park near the Seattle waterfront.  It was sunny, cold, and refreshingly beautiful.  Dale and I have lived in Seattle 6 years (minus the year hiatus) and this was a new experience for the both of us.  It was wonderful and I can't wait to go back.  Dale and I both wore the babes in our Ergos (you can barely see Kannon but he is wearing blue socks on Dale's back).  Kannon loved wandering around the wide open spaces and discovered the ocean---a first for him.  He loved it!!!  (You can even see the video here:  We finished off our day with some braised shortribs, polenta, and some crabcakes with mango relish.  All in all a great day!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Project 365:: Day 30

Day 30  We got home really late last night and by the time the boys got to sleep it was almost midnight.  So we ate a really big breakfast at Revel this morning and took a 4 hour nap.  Someone busted Clark and me in our mid-morning snuggle fest. 

Project 365:: Day 29

Day 29 Well, my birthday came and went but I am still celebrating.  Despite some changes in plans (Tammy, I am so sorry it didn't work out!!!) I had a special weekend! 

We got to Cotton Babies this morning just in time to join the first 100 people through the door and snag some swag.  I spoiled myself with a new Ergo Performance. We spent the day attending storytime, "classes" and getting coffee across the street.  Kannon loved all the attention he got---and loved this balloon!!!

We were just heading to Fred Meyer when the Cotton Babies owner/staff asked me to grab coffee with them!  They may not know it, but these people are kind of like celebrities in my world. We chatted a while but mostly I just watched as they tickled and went ga-ga for Kannon.

At the end of the day, we were rewarded with some beautiful Aden + Anais swaddling blankets and another BumGenius 4.0.  I packed up the car and headed back to Seattle on a somewhat quiet drive--Clark was a little grumpy and expressed it (loudly) every 3 miles or so. 

Both boys are now sleeping and I am savoring my new goods.  Thank you Cotton Babies, Jenn, Libby and Melissa for a wonderful day!!!!  I feel like a Cotton Babies princess!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Project 365:: Day 28

Day 28 Happy birthday to me!!! We are in Vancouver, WA for yhe Cotton Babies grand opening. Kannon fell asleep in the car and i didnt have the heart to wake him. So Clark and i hung out in the front seat.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Project 365:: Day 27

Day 27 I am one hardcore mama! Who says you can't pound chicken with a rolling pin, while wearing a baby?? Just another day in our house! Side note: Clark giggled every time I hit the chicken---I have a feeling he like the bouncing around. It was adorable!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

mama confesses:: love and forgetfulness

 Tango Christmas Party January 8, 2008

Three years ago I headed to our employee Christmas party for Tango and fell in love.  Three years later, two kids, a dog, some cats, and a house that needs cleaning, I forgot our anniversary.  Oops.

Dale remembered and I forgot.  I feel like a bad wife.  But man, life happened.  I do my best to remember and sometimes it is not always easy.

Three years ago, I asked my co-worker to take our photo not knowing where the night would go.  Today, that photo still hangs on our fridge.  I will never forget the endless conversations, the quiet cuddle, and the best hug of my life when I said goodbye to Dale the next morning.  I knew then, just as much as I know now, that Dale was my soul-mate, my partner, my husband in this life, past lives, and the next life.

My roommates and my classmates all told me I was crazy.  They expected it to be a one-time deal.  Imagine their surprise when just a few months later, I told them I was moving in with Dale.  Or a few months after that when we got engaged, got married, moved to Montana and got pregnant.  Love happens when you least expect it.  In fact, life happens when you least expect it.  

 Our first camping trip with Kannon (8 months) and me 7 months pregnant.  Oh what a night!!!

So Dale, after three years, thank you for loving me, for supporting me, and for standing by my side.  You are the best husband, father, and friend anyone could dream of.  It has been a fun and challenging three years and everyday we grow stronger and more in love. I look forward to many more years of challenge, adventure, and just plain fun. 

I couldn't believe it.  I took 1, told Dale, and then took 3 more just to be sure. 

****PS Speaking of anniversaries, on this day, last year, I saw two pink lines.  We were shocked to find out we were having another addition so soon!  Clark is our little surprise baby but we are so happy he joined our family when he did.  We kept it a secret until February 25th because we were worried that our little bean might leave us early, twice I thought I miscarried.  Alas, that 8 & 12 week ultrasound showed us we could fall in love with another child and the flickering heart beat showed us he was strong.  Happy HPT (Home Pregnancy Test) Day!

Project 365:: Day 26

Day 26
Jedi knight in training. He loves his new pants (woolies=no diaper) and his light saber. What a boy!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Project 365:: Day 25

Day 25  Starting bad habits early?  My little guy is already a true Seattlelite.  Just kidding!  We went on a walk today and it was FREEZING!  Our solution, coffee for me and steamed milk for Kannon.  After we let it cool down he enjoyed drinking the delicious warm milk.  Yummy!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Project 365:: Day 24

Day 24 We loaded up and headed to the dog park for what we thought was going to be a long walk but when we got there both kids were fast asleep.  I watched the car while Dale threw the ball for Emma.  Everyone was happy.....until Kannon woke up and realized he took his afternoon nap in the car.  Crankypants!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Project 365:: Day 23

Day 23 We finally got Clark napping on a more consistent schedule.  As it turns out the swing was keeping him back--as soon as we started swaddling him on our bed, he slept.  Imagine that! Now the little dude is taking three 1 1/2-2 hour naps a day.  Finally!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Project 365:: Day 22

Day 22 Today was a great day. We went to the zoo where Kannon played in the indoor kid area for an hour.  We ordered pizza and while we were waiting I set Kannon up with his favorite toy: a measuring cup filled with water and his whisk.  Who knows what he was making, but he stirred, and stirred and stirred some more! Goldfish soup anyone?

Dear Clark:: Brotherly Love

 Little Clark,

Your daddy and I were talking yesterday.  We decided that the second child is a gift to parents for surviving the first one.  You are full of love, happiness, and joy.  We get to enjoy your presence without first time parents anxiety.  You laugh and smile at every little thing.  You love to stand and grab at things but most of all you love your big brother.

Someday the two of you will be wrestling down stairs, punching each other, and pulling ears.  When that day comes I will show you all the photos and read you all the stories of your brotherly love.  Kannon gives you kisses, you laugh, smile, and try to grab his face.

Yesterday, I was holding you in my lap and growling at Kannon.  He started laughing and soon you followed.  I had two babies in my lap laughing and giggling at their growling mama.   I love life.  I love my boys. 

Thank you for arriving into this world so unexpectedly soon.  You are a gift.  You have shown us how to slow down and enjoy life and love fully.  You are our little love muffin.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Project 365:: Day 21

Day 21 Today was lazy.  We stayed in pjs, napped, and napped some more.  It was glorious and both my boys were happy---which is sometimes a rarity.  Clark was especially happy and cooed and smiled and won my heart over and over again.  What a love muffin!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

mama confesses:: crunchy resolutions

Call me a hippie, a granola, an earth-mama, whatever, it won't hurt my feelings.  Dale and I are very environmentally conscious.  We always have been and always will be.  We recycle, conserve energy, cloth diaper, compost and more. 


Why not?  It makes us feel good.  It is a responsible decision.  We value the decision we make for ourselves, our family, and our earth.  But there is always more we can do.

This year, I decided to get a little crunchier.  Now that we are back in Seattle there are so many ways we can continue to change our lifestyle in favor of Mother Earth.  Fortunately, a lot of these changes are easy, more convenient, and cheaper!

1.) Walk more, drive less.  It is a pain to get the kids loaded up, unloaded, loaded again, and unloaded just to go to the grocery store.  Seriously, it is 2 blocks away.  We have been making walks to Trader Joe's.  I get my exercise, my car gets a break, and both boys get some fresh air.

2.) Dryer Racks.  Not only have dryer racks been a part of my photography set-up, they hold my diapers too.  I have always line dried my diapers but now I am starting to do the same with towels and clothes.  It is cheaper and no one cares if clothes go unfolded for a couple days :)

3.) Borax, Washing Soda, Oxyclean, Vinegar.  4 ingredients for universal cleanliness.  I have been making my own deodorant for months now but decided it was time to kiss our store bought detergents good bye.  I spent $10 on these supplies and made my own laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, and all purpose cleaner.  When I run out, I make more, no more unnecessary trips to the store.

Laundry Detergent
1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Oxyclean  

Shake in a container and add 1-3 tbls per load.

Dishwasher Detergent
1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Borax
1/2 cup of Kosher Salt

Shake in a container, add 1 tbls per load.  Also add vinegar to rinse aid dispenser for added boost.

All-Purpose Cleaner
Spray bottle
1 cup plain 'ole vinegar
3 cups water

Shake and spray!

Coconut Oil Deodorant
1/4 Baking Soda
1/4 Constarch
6 tbls of Coconut oil 

Mix together until paste forms.  This lasts about 3 months for 2 people using it.  For added ease, store in an old deodorant tube and keep in your fridge.  Otherwise, any plain bowl or Tupperware will work. 
4.) Local. Buy local, eat local, live local.  Where does stuff come from?  How did your shoes end up on your feet, your water bottle in the fridge, or your car in the garage?  Think about it.  The further stuff travels to get to you the more resources are used in the process.  Support your local economy, your neighborhood businesses, and community farmers.  Buy stuff secondhand.  Make your own bread, coffee, and muffins.  Give up the chain stores and restaurants once in a while. Give a hand.  Just be local.  Learn about your community, get involved, go to Farmer's markets, and volunteer! 

5.) Love. Really?  Love yourself, your children, your neigbor, friends, and earth.  It is simple. 

What are your resolutions?

Project 365:: Day 20

Day 20 Kannon loves to help hang his diapers. Nice stash!

Project 365:: Day 19

Day 19 Clark modeling his new namesake t-shirt.  Its a bird, its a plane, its Clark!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Project 365:: Day 18

Day 18 Kannon and I played in a bubbly soapy sink.  It was a great idea until Kannon dumped his bucket of water on my feet instead of the sink, while I was trying to take the photo.  Great timing little bugger.  Notice his sly little grin??? 

PS We both got new do's, I revived my bangs and a nice layered haircut and spiked Kannon's long hair! Stylin'

Project 365:: Day 17

Day 17 Kannon got a bit adventurous and tackled our air mattress like MT. Everest. This kid never stops moving!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Project 365:: Day 16

Day 16 does this look like an unhappy Seahawks fan?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

baby got cloth!

Remember "Baby got Back "?  Well, Sir Mix a lot has a little competition because our baby's got cloth!!!  I found this posted in one of my baby boards and couldn't help but laugh, cry, and laugh some more.  It is so true!!!

***Note: Its is best to read this while humming the tune "baby got back".  Hhehee!

I like fluffy butts and I cannot lie                                                           
You other mother's can't deny                                                             
That when a baby crawls in with a super fluffy butt                                
And a great big smile across her face                                               
You get jealous, wanna buy some fluff                                         
 'Cause you notice that butt is stuffed                                              
 With a perfect fit pocket dipe
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh baby, I wanna get that print
And take a picture
My best friend tried to warn me
But that fluffy butt you got makes me so jealous
Ooh, Rump-o'-smooth-skin
You say you wanna get in my playgroup?
Well, call my mommy, call her
'Cause you ain't that average baby
I've seen them crawling
To hell with disposables
She's clean, dry,
Got it goin' like a jumparoo
I'm tired of magazines
Sayin' disposable dipes are the thing
Take the average mommy and ask her that
She gotta pack much back
So, mamas! (Yeah!) Mamas! (Yeah!)
Has your baby got the fluffy butt? (oh yeah!)
Tell 'em to shake it! (Shake it!) Shake it! (Shake it!)
Shake that healthy butt!
Baby got cloth!
I like 'em round, and cloth
And when I'm throwin' a fit
I just can't help myself, I'm actin' like a spoiled brat
I wanna get your fluff
It’s mine, double-up, mine, mine
I ain't talkin' bout disposables
'Cause that stuff is nothing but trash
I want 'em real thick and cloth
So find that fluffy double
Mamas in trouble
Beggin' for a brand new diaper
So I'm lookin' at etsy stores
Work at home mamas sewing like pros
You can have them sticky tabs
I'll keep my velcro’s
A word to the cloth butt babies, I wanna play with ya
I won't bit or hit ya
But I gotta be straight when I say I wanna play
Till I got to go take my nap
Baby got it goin' on
A lot of simps won't like this song
'Cause them punks like to trash a dipe
And I'd rather wash and reuse
'Cause I'm smart, and I'm loved
And I'm down to get a cloth dipe on
So, Babies! {Yeah!} Babies! {Yeah}
If you wanna crawl in a Happy Hiney {Yeah!}
Then turn around! Stick it out!
Even trash bottom babies got to shout
Baby got back!

Baby got back!
Yeah, baby ... when it comes to diapers, Huggies ain't got nothin'
to do with my selection. Trash? Ha ha, only if she's got a rash. 

So your friends sportin a Pamper, filling up the diaper genie
But Pampers ain't got a microfiber insert in the back
My soft butt don't want none
Unless you've got cloth, hun
You can pee and poo
But please don't lose that fluffy butt
Some mothers wanna play that hard role
And tell you that the cloth butt ain't right
So they toss it and trash it
And I pull up quick to fight it
So Huggies says your butt needs a disposable
Well I ain't down with that!
'Cause your butt is fluffy and your onsies kickin'
And I'm thinkin' bout fluffy mail
To the disposable diapered babies in the magazines:
You ain't it, Miss Thing!
Give me a cloth bottom baby, I can't resist her
Mamas breast milk didn't miss her
Some knucklehead tried to dis
'Cause his babies in paper
He had green options but he chose to make more trash
And I pull up quick to educate him
So babies, if the butt is cloth,
And you want to come over to play,
Dial 1-800-FLUFFY1
And kick them nasty paper dipes
Baby got back!

(Little she is but she got much back) [4x]

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Project 365:: Day 15

Day 15 Clark had kind of a traumatic day. He woke up to a screaming toddler. He napped for 2 hours total today. When he woke up, we were nursing, and my ice cold glass of water spilled all over the poor kid. He screamed, screamed, and screamed some more. Hence, the naked, unhappy photo of our usually very happy baby.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Project 365:: Day 14

Day 14 We had been looking for kids table for our house and we finally found one. It needs a new paint job (it currently is decorated with flowers) but it is perfect. I gave Kannon his first dinner at the kids table only to turn my back and find him on top of the table eating. This kid always surprises me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Project 365:: Day 13

Day 13  Sometimes good days start with smiles....

and just get better.....

with naps and good books....

with bus rides in the Seattle...

with armloads of children...

with new toys and new diapers...

and we all say goodnight with a nice bath.

***Okay, I know I should only post one, but today was a GOOD day.  Those days don't happen very often, but when they do, they are magical special and so photo worthy!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Project 365:: Day 12

Day 12 Snow day!!! We got almost 3 inches of snow last night. Kannon was so excited he was *almost* running around our house looking at every window.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Project 365:: Day 11

Day 11 Always keep an eye on your children.

....Okay, I have two. I just couldn't decided! Babywearing family at the zoo. Who are these crazy people???

Monday, January 10, 2011

dirties on diapering:: SmartiPants Q&A

I have meaning to post a cloth diapering update now that we have two boys in diapers of many different brands, colors, and prints.  I will get to that later, but for now, here is a Q&A form that SmartiPants just asked me to fill out.  We have many favorites, but SmartiPants takes the lead with easy snaps and inserts that come out in the wash.  What's your favorite cloth diaper?

1.       How did you first hear about cloth diapers? I used to work in a preschool where several families cloth diapered.  I always knew when I had kids that would be a choice I would make.

2.       What are some of the reasons you chose reusable diapers for your family? I was an AmeriCorps*VISTA living in Montana when my husband and I became pregnant.  I was earning $750/month and knew the only way we would be able to afford diapers was to use cloth diapers.  The more I researched our decision the more I learned about the other benefits of cloth diapering ie the environment, baby's health, cost saving etc.

3.        What are other ways you choose or would like to choose to reduce, reuse and recycle? We make every effort to live a simple low-impact life.  We recycle, turn off lights, line dry clothes, buy in bulk, and shop seconds instead of new.  Even though we have 2 kids now we produce less waste then we did when it was just two of us.

4.        How old is your baby now? What age did you begin cloth diapering?  We have 2 kids--a 14 month old and a 3 month old.  We started cloth diapering when our oldest was 2-days old and have never switched. When our second was born (our surprise baby!) we were even happier with our decision to cloth diaper.  We had everything we needed!

5.       What are some of the advantages you feel cloth diapers have over disposables? Cloth diapers have so many advantages over disposables.  They are cost-saving, better for the environment, better for babies health, and best of all, they are so much cuter!!!!

6.        What are some of the advantages you feel Smartipants offers over other cloth brands?  I love that SmartiPants is a one-size diaper with snaps---so many one sizes are velcro which we quickly discovered only lasts so long.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE that the inserts on SmartiPants come out in the wash.  It makes for easy outings, diaper changes, and saves me time with an already busy day!

7.       Tell us more about your family, share anything you are comfortable with. We live in Seattle with our two boys. Our family and friends support our decision to cloth diaper, even if they don't know how they work.  We have ended up with diapers on backwards, inside out, or stuffed with wash cloths when we were out of inserts.  I know there are other cloth diapering families here but they are like vampires--no one sees, hears, or talks about cloth diapering.  That is until a sunny day when you see everyone's diapers line drying in their front yard. 

8.        What is your favorite color of cloth diaper? I love the chocolate brown diapers! My husband laughs at me whenever I see one because I squeal with excitement!

9.       What is your favorite milestone your baby has reached so far? Laughing. With both kids, those first big belly laughs made me fall even more in love with them.

10.   Tell us about your wash routine, include detergent brand used, type of washer you have ( ie. Top loader, front loader, HE) whether or not you use a diaper sprayer or a wet or dry pail etc.  We use a a dry pail (a garbage can with a flip top lid stuffed with a wet bag) in our bathroom next to our changing station.  Every two days we empty the bag into our top-loading washer with biokleen detergent.  We do a cold wash, cold rinse, followed by a hot wash, cold rinse.  We line dry the covers and throw the inserts in our dryer with homemade wool dryer balls for about 30 minutes. 

11.   Do you use a daycare for your child and do they use your cloth diapers? I am a stay at home mom.

12.   What is your number one can’t live without it baby product? Besides diapers?  Lol.  We love our baby carriers, we have an Ergo and a BabyHawk mei tei that get used daily.

13.   What has been your biggest challenge with cloth diapers so far? Buying too many diapers :) Actually, during the summer we didn't have a washer and dryer so we were washing our diapers in a laundromat.  We really questioned our decision to cloth diaper when we started spending $10/week at the laundromat.  But we got over that hurdle when we remembered that it is not just cost that keeps us cloth diapering, it is the health and environmental benefits as well.

14.    What part of using cloth diapers has been surprising or easy for you? I was worried about the wash routine when we first started.  It seemed so complicated and I could never get a straight answer on the process.  That's when I learned that everyone has a system that works best for them, once we discovered our washing routine we no longer think about it!  So easy!

15.   What would you like to see most from Smartipants in the future? I would love to see prints, natural fiber inserts, and I would LOVE to see fleece on the inside of SmartiPants!

Project 365::Day 10

Day 10 yummy!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Project 365:: Day 9

Day 9 Clark is such a happy boy!  Who wouldn't be happy with a face like that???

Eat. Sleep. Love.

I have been a little under the weather managing our household and 2 boys while Dale manages Revel.  It seems we have just enough to wake up and say goodbye to each other before Dale heads to work never to be seen again until 1 or 2 oclock in the morning.  But we are proud of ourselves for the hard work we have been doing.  For once in our life, it seems all is balanced.  Work, family, love.  Dale loves what he does, I love staying at home with the kids.  We may not have much time together but we make do and for special treats we all head to Revel to see Dale. 

I have mentioned over and over again how awesome the food is.  After eating there about 8 times in the last month I fall more in love with the food each time.  Today, we were especially excited to head to Revel for their new brunch menu.  We ate (delicious kabocha squash porridge), napped, and woke up to two happy children.  Kannon was especially in love with the leftover cold ramen from Revel sitting in our fridge.  Even though I am sick, today was special because we got to enjoy all of our favorite things: eat, sleep, and love.  It was made even more perfect by the snow falling outside and the fact that Dale (dare say!) has the next 2 days off!

All this food talk reminded me that I have meant to share some of the exciting reviews of Revel.  It seems all of Seattle foodies have an opinon on Revel and Dale has personally been mentioned on Yelp! a few times.  Without further ado, here are a few links on the work Dale, Seif and Rachel and the team at Revel have been doing. 

Seattle Dining

Seattle Met

Edible Seattle

gruman-nicoll blog

Seattle Weekly

Seattle Weekly pt 2

Seattle Met Blog

Joule named #3 in Seattle


Seattle Times

You can check out more information on Revel and their big sister, Joule on Facebook, Twitter, and their websites.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Project 365:: Day 8

Day 8  Happy 3 month birthday dance Clark!   You two are best friends!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Project 365:: Day 7

Day 7 On our way to coffee and Trader Joe's. At Trader Joe's a 4 year old asked me where I got my two babies. I told him "I made them" and he ran to his mom screaming "that lady makes babies". Haha. I do make babies--cute babies.

mama confesses:: death of mr. cuisinart

About 3 years ago my dad sent me this awesome coffee pot.  It was a major step up from the 4-cup Mr Coffee that I got my freshman year.  It was a total surprise.  I remember opening the box on Christmas morning and feeling so relieved that I finally got a real coffee pot. No more Mr Coffee for me!  I think I drank about 12 pots a day for a week until the luster wore off.  It was programmable, so I could wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee instead of my roommates stinky laundry.  It had a gold-tone filter so I didn't have to go searching for filters at 6am....or worse, use toilet paper for filters when I was out.  And best of all, it made the best damn coffee. 

As a college student staying up late and waking up early, the coffee pot was wonderful.  As a new mother, enduring sleepless nights, waking up early, and walking around have dead, the coffee pot was invaluable.  Dale knows, my kids know, I know---without my coffee I am useless, cranky, and downright  mean.

Then it happened.  My coffee maker started to die.  I was in denial.  Dale kept trying to convince me to get a new one.  But I was sure there was nothing wrong, it just needed to be cleaned or needed new filters.  Nothing could replace my first grown up coffee maker.  The thing has been moved 4 times.  It has lived in 3 states.  It has witnessed a college parties, marriage, and babies.  I do not need a new coffee pot.

Today, the coffee maker died.  I flipped the switch and it didn't turn on.  It was plugged in.  I check the circuits, tried another outlet, and the same thing happened.  It was D-E-A-D dead.    So I am running out the door for some coffee shop junkie java until I can find another new amazing coffee maker.  Any suggestions?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Project 365:: Day 6

Day 6 Kannon signed "more" over and over for this apple-pear upside down cake! Yum!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Project 365:: Day 5

Day 5 Riding in style!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Project 365:: Day 4

Day 4  I left Kannon playing with his books while I got the laundry and came back to find Kannon had climbed in the table.  Is it a rocket ship?  A boat?  or a car?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Project 365:: Day 3

Day 3 What a beautiful babywearing morning!