Wednesday, April 28, 2010

photo therapy:: growth

Kannon is 6 months old.  To this day I am still amazed at how fast Kannon is growing.  He has been on this earth for less time then he was in my belly but I feel like he has been a part of my life all along.  His smiles, laughs, and milestones make my heart grow bigger, better, and unlike anything I felt before.

What amazes me more is to look at Kannon's sweet face and rub my belly, a place that once belonged to Kannon---now filled with a new baby.  Life is a miracle.  I read and re-read both the What to Expect When You are Expecting and the What to Expect the First Year with even more gratefulness and wonder at life and all its beauty. 

In one year, Kannon has grown from a tiny seed into the little man he is today.  I furrow my brow in disbelief thinking that Kannon was once inside me.  I touch my belly excited that this new baby is coming into a such a wonderful world with a big brother and a family that offers so much love.

Today, on Kannon's 6 month birthday, we strive to continue learning and growing as parents, partners, and human beings. We watch as Kannon grows and discovers his world.  We wait for Kannon's little BROTHER to join our family.  We live, love, and enjoy life.

***That's right, its a BOY!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

mama confesses:: exhaustion

I am tired.  Spent. Finished.  Exhausted.  The whirl of activity going on in our life is leaving me without energy and emotion. 

I am too tired to blog. 

I told Dale today that I want to go on vacation for a week while he finishes up the packing and moving.  Who knew moving could suck the life out of me so quick.  I am sick of the waiting, the living out of boxes, and wishing I hadn't packed my dutch oven already. 

I am too tired to brush my teeth or change my clothes. 

I am too tired to play with Kannon today. 

I am too tired to think about the growing baby in my belly.

Is it okay if I just lay in bed the rest of the day?  Someone send the packing fairies. While you are at send a babysitter too. 


Sunday, April 25, 2010

solid sundays:: starting solids

A couple of weeks ago we were given the go ahead to start Kannon on real food.  Since then, we have introduced several new fruits and veggies with success.  I keep meaning to make a "food log" but between moving, packing boxes, and such I can't seem to keep track of my car keys let alone a piece of paper.  So, Sundays will be the start of a new blog category--solid sundays.  Stay tuned if you like learning more about food, making baby food, and seeing ridiculous photos of Kannon covered in puree. 

First off, I never knew baby food could be so fun.  Before Kannon my concept of baby food was Gerber jars packed full with gross smelling purees.   Seriously, what baby would eat pureed chicken?  Of course, after having Kannon my outlook on baby food changed.  I bought a food mill, ice cube trays (for storing and freezing), and a puree cookbook.  I have been researching the history of peas, carrots, and bananas--desiring a greater understanding of not only where food comes from, but its history

So the googling began and before long I was in the grocery store telling Dale the complete history of sweet potatoes versus yams--with an audience.  I am like a mad scientist playing with my son's food.  I giggle every time I use the food mill recounting my years of playdough and preschool.  I mix bananas and avocados and play with food as much as Kannon. I am so much more than a foodie, I am a fun-foodie.

Alas, I digress.  We introduce new foods on Mondays and Thursdays leaving Sunday as a good opportunity to recap on Kannon's food adventures.  Bon appetit!

Feeding Schedule::
7am 6oz bottle
9:30am 4 oz bottle
11:30am Veggie Serving
2:00pm 6 oz bottle
5:00pm Veggie/Fruit Serving
7:30pm 6oz bottle
Bedtime (Kannon sleeps from 7pm-7am EVERY night)

***This is Kannon's schedule.  We feed him when he shows hunger cues and let him eat until he's full.  Somedays this schedule is different.  Yesterday Kannon ate 12oz in an hour.  In general, this is the everyday schedule that Kannon has set for himself--like clockwork. Kannon is beginning to cut out the 4oz bottles now that we have started solids.  I imagine that when we introduce a third meal, those bottles will be completely eliminated.  We plan on adding a breakfast serving at 8am but we are waiting until we are moved, settled, and have a more regular schedule.

New Foods::
Sweet Potatoes

To make peas, I steamed them in a little bit of boiling water until soft and ran them through our food mill.  The texture was quite dry so I added formula to keep them runny.

After the first few bites, Kannon decided he liked them and ate nearly 3 oz in one sitting. 

For carrots, I made them just like peas, steaming them until soft and using the food mill to puree. 

After the first few bites, Kannon made gagging faces, pushed my hands away, and started crying by the 4th bite. I tried to introduce them again and he fussed the minute he saw the bowl.  To top it off, he pooped orange for 2 days.  I think we will try carrots at a later date.

For apples, I used frozen, sliced and peeled apples that I steamed in water and pureed with my  food processor.

Kannon loves sucking on apples in his mesh bag so I assumed he would love apple pureed but I was wrong.  He wasn't crazy about the texture or the taste but he still sucked them down. Next batch, I will try adding cinnamon to spice things up.

This is a no-brainer.  I sliced an avocado and ran it through the food mill to mash it up. 

Kannon wasn't crazy about avocados but by the third bite he was downing them like a champ. 

Also, a no-brainer.  I ran the banana through the food mill and it turned into a delicious banana pudding. 

Kannon loves bananas.  He now eats nearly a whole pureed banana at breakfast.  However much he loves them, I can't give him too much because it makes him really bratty....I am not sure why.

***We also mixed bananas and avocado which sounds like a crazy combination but it was delicious.  Apparently Kannon agreed because the bowl disappeared before I could blink.

Sweet Potatoes::
For these bad boys, I poked them a few times with a fork and put them in a dish with a little bit of water in a 400 degree oven.  45 minutes later the potatoes are done.  I ran them under cold water, peeled the skin off and used the food mill.

Kannon loves sweet potatoes.  When I pull them out of the fridge he does this little excited dance and flails his arms and legs about.  The best part, I love sweet potatoes, so every one bite for Kannon is 2 bites for me. 

Next Week Preview::
Butternut Squash

We are trying to introduce a new fruit and vegetable each week.  I am also spending a little time researching baby-led weaning and plan on introducing a few finger foods in the coming weeks.

Monday, April 19, 2010

mama confesses:: growing pains

Kannon is almost 6 months old.  He is getting more mobile, rolling over every chance he gets, and standing with the help of his new best friend--the coffee table.  This of course means new bumps, bruises, and boo boos.  Just the other day, I found myself walking to the freezer twice for some ice to cure Kannon's cries.  Of course, he cries for a minute but I find myself feeling sad the rest of day.  My little boy is growing up, learning to more independent and sometimes getting hurt in the process. 

Growing pains.

Life was so much easier when Kannon spent his time peacefully swaddled and sleeping.  No harm came his way.  Now, I have to watch out for edges, cords, snaps, buckles and my hardwood floors are now my sworn enemy.  I can't win em all and as careful as we are, we still find ourselves pulling out the ice cubes for little boo boos. 

I can't save my little boy from every little danger.  Down the road, there will be things I can't control.  Skinned knees on basketball courts.  Splinters from climbing trees.  Road rash from bicycle falls.  Beestings and broken hearts. 

Growing pains. 

Somedays I wish I could put Kannon back inside me, safe from all the world.  Most days, I am happy to see my son learning more about the world, growing up, independent and strong. 

Kannon is almost 6 months old.  That's half a year old.  But it is still less time then the time he spent growing inside me, safe and warm.  Perhaps, I will get used to these bumps and bruises soon but until then, I have growing pains with every little milestone and boo boo. 

Growing pains. 

***A little update:  Kannon is 17 lbs, 26 inches long.  He is perfect and finally started real food!  Today he ate peas and while he was unsure at first, he lapped them up with love after the first few bites.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

mama travels:: our new home

Dale and I packed up our car and loaded Kannon and Emma (our dog) for our 2 hour trip over the hills to Coeur d'Alene--our soon-to-be home.  Our day was packed full with house showings, visiting Dale's new accounts, and seeing a little bit of local color.  We started our day early and it got even earlier as we crossed into Pacific Standard Time.

We couldn't have been blessed with better weather, as we had clear blue skies and 65 degree weather.  It was perfect for Emma, who having smelled the lakes before we even got near Coeur d'Alene, was desperate for a good swim.  So before we started our day, we took a minute to enjoy the downtown (which is unbelievably charming) let Emma swim and caught lunch at a little cafe.

We checked out many houses.  Most of which were cute and charming and a few had us running away without even ringing the doorbell.  We were in love with one house but apparently many others were as well, so we quickly turned in our application and waited for them to make their decision.  The wait was worth it, because we got our house!  It is a little small but it is the perfect size for us.  We cant wait to move in!

The rest of day we spent visiting Dale's accounts.  He has some work to do as the person who was previous in charge left things unresolved.  Nonetheless, Dale put on his best tie and let his charm do the talking. 

We also stopped at Moontime where I had the best chicken sandwich I have ever tasted.  We are so excited about the epicurean delights present in Coeur d'Alene.  Every restaurant we walked by tempted our stomachs and tastebuds. 

At the end of a long day, we threw one last stick for Emma and headed back to Missoula greeted by an empty house, full of boxes, and ready for change.

While on our little trip, we learned many new things about the area that will surely be sending visitors our way!

1.) There are over 33 golf courses all within a 15 minute drive of CDA.
2.) Listed as one of the places to visit in Patricia Schultz's book 1,000 Places to See Before You Die
3.) CDA was listed as the 5th best place to live in the United States.
4.) Silverwood, the Pacific Northwest largest theme park is minutes from CDA.
5.) Lake Pend Oreille is over 1200 ft deep.
6.) Litehouse Dressing is based in nearby Sandpoint, ID
7.) On November 28, 2007, Good Morning America broadcast the city's Christmas Lighting Ceremony because its display is among the largest in the country.
8.) The CityLink bus system in CDA is FREE!
9.) The world's longest floating boardwalk is located in CDA as part of the Coeur d'Alene Resort.
10.) The CDA/Spokane area is considered one of safest areas places to live free of natural disasters.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

photo therepy:: moving boxes

The universe must have read my big dreams post because within days, my amazing husband landed the most incredible job offer in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.  Dale is the new north Idaho wine rep for New West Spirits. He will earn double what we currently make combined. He will pursue his passion, supported by wine lovers all around him.  In less than 3 weeks we will move, leaving Montana behind in favor of a new state and a new adventure.  There are not enough words to describe the feelings that pervade us.

Glee.  Joy.  Luck.  Fate. Ecstatic.  Nervous.  Grateful.

For Dale, this past year has been a struggle.  He gave up a job he loved, a city he will always remember, and followed my crazy butt to Montana.  While Montana has taught him the way of life he wants to live--one full of adventure, leisure, outdoors, and simple living-- it failed to offer the appreciation and opportunity that Dale so desperately needs to thrive.  After barely skipping along in the game of Life, Dale finally landed on Easy St and he is bringing us with him.

So our house is filled with boxes.  Our life is turned upside down.  Last week I was trying to sort laundry and this week I am house hunting, packing boxes, and hoping that we will make our May 3rd deadline.

Kannon loves the excitement.  He loves the boxes more. 

I miss the days when something as simple as a box could thrill me.  Now, I smile and lovingly watch my son finger the corrugated edges, pulling the flaps up to hide from the world.  

It is one big game of peekaboo. 

We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family.  We will be sad to leave those behind.  But there are never goodbyes, only hellos, and we are grateful to begin this new adventure--like we finally found our feet.  

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

mama confesses:: milk wars

I am a formula feeding mom.  Trust me, no one knows more about the benefits of breast milk than a formula feeding mom.  "Breast milk is best" is written on every can of formula I have purchased.  I get sympathy looks every time I have to mix a bottle for my son in public.  Once, I even overheard a breastfeeding mother brag about her "natural abilities".  It pains me.  I hurt inside.  I get angry at the new life growing in my belly that took away my milk supply. 

The fact is, I loved breastfeeding.  I savored every moment, cuddled with Kannon in my rocking chair, gleaming at our shared experience.  I long for that day to return.  I can't even remember our last nursing session because my milk supply vanished as quickly as it appeared.  I thought my freezer stash of precious liquid gold would last until Kannon started solids but when I reached for that last bag, I knew it was time to give up.  This was not part of my plan. 

Truth be told, there is no plan in parenting.  You just do the best you can.  I had all these goals and ideas for parenting.  I wanted to breastfeed, co-sleep, you name it and they blew out the window the day I realized my son is not a fan bed sharing.  You adapt.  You change.  You grow just as much as your child.  Parenting is a process, not a method, or a plan. 

So, my son is formula fed.  I love him just the same, if not more.  I also love the baby in my belly and hope that breastfeeding works out the next time around.  Until then, please don't give me sad faces every time you see me reach for a bottle.  And please, I know how wonderful breastfeeding is, so don't rub it in my face. 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

mama needs:: more mommy necklaces

A few weeks ago I ordered one of these Mommy Necklaces.  I checked the mail day after day waiting for my special bling to arrive and was disappointed that 5 days later it still hadn't showed up.  Then, finally, when I had almost completely forgotten about it, I saw something blue shining from the corner of my yard....

 Yep, the dogs got it.  I was expecting necklaces guts spilled over my yard but to my surprise the necklace was completely intact.  Albeit, a little dusty and slobbery but still perfect.  My mommy necklace survived the grasp of our sometimes package eating dogs. 

After a bit of washing, sterilizing, and drying it was time to wear the necklace.  I am in love.  It matches every outfit and somehow makes me feel a little more glamorous even when wearing pajamas. 

The best part, is that it is safe for Kannon.  He loves to play with the beads, tugging at them lovingly instead of going after my glasses.  It is especially great for babywearing because it holds his attention when I spend 5 minutes staring at the meat counter contemplating dinner choices.

The only downside of this necklace is that I want more.  They come in so many pretty colors and styles that it was hard to just pick one.  At $30 a piece I can't just order more.  Nonetheless, I consider it a great purchase and will be putting it on my Mother's Day wish list because it is dog-tested, kid loved, mother approved.

**********Beginning Monday 4/12- Thursday 4/15 you can receive 10% off by applying the coupon code katdizale at checkout.**************

***All photos were taken from the Mommy Necklace website.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Alright, I am a sucker and have given in to online blog parties.  With little time on my hands, juggling a baby, work, and life in general it is sometimes hard to spend time with real friends.  So my life went online.

A little about me, I live in Montana with my husband, 5-month old, 1 dog, and 2 cats....oh, and I am PREGNANT....again!  My life is always chaotic and full of frenzy.  It may not be glamorous but it is most certainly always an adventure. 

I started blogging when my husband and I first got married and made the bold move to pack up and move from Seattle to Montana.  I wanted to log our adventure and our adventure got a lot more interesting when we added a dog and then a baby to the mix.  Now my blogging is a little more organized as I attempt to document my life as a mother, wife, and human being and the growth of my young son.  My blogs are truthful and sometimes hilarious to the point of peeing in your pants, but mostly they are just an attempt to express my feelings that sometimes go unsaid when you haven't seen an adult in over 10 hours.

Did I mention that this party comes with prizes????  To join, follow the Ultimate Blog Party button to get started.

I am in need of a blog makeover, so I would love to win one of these prizes:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

photo therepy:: new toys

We were blessed with many toys and activities for Kannon.  They came into our house before he was born as baby shower gifts or were piled under our tree at Christmas.  Of course, Kannon was too small to use any of the toys and they were given a special place until he was ready.  Well, now he is ready.  I pulled his "new" toys out and Kannon was ecstatic.  I imagine life as a baby sometimes gets boring staring at the same mirror or giraffe, so these new toys have quickly found a place in our life.  

I love these blocks.  They are soft, squishy, textured, colorful, and light enough for Kannon to pick up.  

Kannon especially loves to put the blocks in his mouth.

We got this giraffe pillow chum from Costco way back in October and it has been hanging out behind Kannon's crib since.  

We pulled it out and Kannon was very pleased with the change from his activity mat.  He especially loves to be naked on it, I think something about the fur is soft and cool against his skin.  

I have lots of videos to post on our Youtube channel.  So stay tuned and in the meantime you can catch up on some videos I posted a few weeks ago.