Saturday, February 28, 2015

24 Weeks!

This week was another busy week at school as we had early release on Wednesday and Family Literacy Night on Thursday, topped off with our district assessments.  All the stress led to me not feeling well at all as I caught some sort of stomach bug :(  Luckily, Dale took good care of me so I was able to get plenty of rest and liquids! 

I had my midwife appointment on Monday and everything is going great! Baby is developing into a strong kicker and even shared his skills with the midwife who kept getting kicked while she was trying to find his heartbeat!  We scheduled the glucose test for March 17, which is the same day I fly to California, so it should be a crazy day!   

Date: 03/1/15
Week: 24 weeks 5 days
Estimated baby size: a cantaloupe
Total Weight Gain: +12 pounds 
THIRSTY. Hip pain, restless nights, LOTS OF MOVEMENT and horrible heart burn!!!
Cravings: Clementines, vegetables, fruit, limes, cilantro, CHEESE, chicken soup.
What is baby doing? Lungs: Your baby's lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory"tree" as well as cells that will produce surfactant, a substance that helps air sacs in the lungs inflate easily.
Skin: Your skin may be feeling a bit itchy and dry as it stretches. Keeping it well moisturized may help.
Taste buds: Your baby's taste buds are developing now.
Uterus: The top of your uterus is now an inch or so above your belly button, making it about the size of a soccer ball.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

23 Weeks!

Date: 02/22/15
Week: 23 weeks 5 days
Estimated baby size: large papaya
Total Weight Gain: +10 pounds 
THIRSTY. Hip pain, restless nights, LOTS OF MOVEMENT!
Cravings: Clementines, vegetables, fruit, limes, cilantro, CHEESE, Taco Bell :)
What is baby doing? Ear: Loud noises that your baby hears often in utero -- such as the dog barking -- probably won't bother him after birth.
Skin: Your baby's skin is red and wrinkled. This is true for all babies, regardless of what color their skin will be after birth.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

22 Weeks

I have still been trying to fight this silly cold all week! I've tried everything short of antibiotics and am so far having the best luck doing a steam treatment with essential oils. I think its also been aggravated because of the high amounts of tree pollen in the air and my SUPER STRESS level at school.

On Friday, Kannon forgot shoes.  Yes, HE FORGOT SHOES! After an hour drive to work and seeing his shoeless feet, I nearly had a panic attack.  Fortunately, the nurse had an extra pair that were a little big but saved me from an emergency 8am WalMart trip.  

We celebrated Valentine's Day today by going to see Paddington.  The boys LOVED the movie! We also had burritos for lunch at our favorite burrito place and went to Central Market to stock up on groceries.  The boys got spoiled by samples of chocolate. EVERYWHERE.  We also stopped at Hobby Lobby for the first time (I can never go unattended again!) and made pizza.  The boys have been so sweet all day, telling me how much they love me and doing nice things like bringing me water and lotion.  I love those guys :)

Date: 02/14/15
Week: 22 weeks 5 days
Estimated baby size: spaghetti squash
Total Weight Gain: +8 pounds 
THIRSTY. Hip pain, restless nights.
Cravings: Clementines, vegetables, fruit, limes, cilantro, CHEESE, Taco Bell :)

What is baby doing? His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

21 weeks...

Kannon fell asleep on the 100th day of school!

This week was another busy week for us. I was sick on Monday and still haven't completely recovered.  I've been drinking lots of lemon water, juice, and trying to get lots of rest. We are getting ready to do High Frequency Word Evaluations at school, so I am busy doing after school tutorials trying to get my kids ready!!!  

Kannon and Clark have started giving the baby lots of kisses.  The baby has started kicking up a storm and I can SEE and FEEL it from the outside.  Clark says he has felt the baby but I'm not sure.... This is the earliest I have seen/felt movement from the outside, but I am also thinner than I was with Kannon and I haven't gained as much weight, so I guess it makes a difference, either that or Quinn is going to be a football player! 

I have been gathering baby items off a neighborhood trade board and found many stuff from our Target and Amazon  registry but got them used at 1/8 of the price.  This week I picked up an Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper for $30, a bouncer for $10 and got a bag of maternity clothes from another 2nd grade teacher.  We still need a few things mostly for fun (like cute cloth diapers and blankets) and of course a car seat! 129 days to go!

Date: 02/8/15
Week: 21 weeks 5 days
Estimated baby size: length of a carrot
Total Weight Gain: +8 pounds 
THIRSTY. The hip pain is in full force.  I have to make sure I walk and do lots of stretching before going to sleep or my hip is in so much pain when I wake up.  
Cravings: Clementines, vegetables, fruit, limes, cilantro, CHEESE, Taco Bell :)

What is baby doing? Eyelid: Your baby's eyelids and eyebrows are now fully developed.

$5 Secrets.....We have a name!

While my dad was here, we talked about baby names.  Dale and I have had a name picked out since before we knew it was a boy.  We weren't planning on sharing the name until birth per our usual tradition.  


My dad told Clark "I'll give you $5 if you tell me your brother's name."  

Without hesitation, Clark replied.  Stinker.  We told him he should have asked for more $$ before giving up secrets.  He could have made a little money.  

So now, the whole family knows.  If you give Clark money, he will tell you the name.  He is rich!


Of course, the name could always change if say he is born a she or doesn't really look like a Quinn.  I love the name and heard it while we were watching 'Reign of Fire', you know that dragon movie with Christian Bale.  I love that it carries on the /k/ sound but uses a different initial.  According to Nameberry, it is an Irish male's name and means "wise leader".  I felt this was perfect for our new little man.  Thomas is my dad's name, and I wanted to use a family name for the middle name. Plus, this was also the only name suggestion that Clark and Kannon didn't veto.  When I said 'Quinn Thomas', Clark immediately approved it! Only 131 (give or take) days to go to meet baby Quinn!


My 5am b-day party!

This week was a busy week for us!!! My family came to visit from Pennsylvania and we had a WONDERFUL time getting spoiled by them!!!!  We went to the aquarium, a family putt-putt fun zone, had pizza, relaxed, watched the Superbowl and just enjoyed each other's company! Clark also busted his lip on Friday after school.  So that was a bloody mess! 

My birthday was on Wednesday and I got spoiled by my students and my family.  I woke up to a 5am surprise b-day party hosted by Dale and the boys.  They gave me flowers and princess jewelry and Dale gave me some really awesome new earrings and a necklace.  My students gave me SO.MUCH.CHOCOLATE.  The celebration continued with my dad and step-mom as we enjoyed dinner at Bernie's Burger Bus and opened a new 31 bag and MORE.CHOCOLATE.  We even continued celebrating on Friday with my aunt (her b-day is the day before mine) with an ice cream cake!  It was great to be feel spoiled! I turned 29 and will stay 29 from this day on ;)

I also had a midwife appointment in the midst of all these celebrations.  Baby was measuring perfect and had a strong heartbeat.  She confirmed that everything looked great with our ultrasound.  She suggested going to a chiropractor for the hip pain I have been having.  She also suggested that I wear supportive panty hose when I am teaching and get a pregnancy support belt because I am on my feet from 6:00am-4:30pm chasing 2nd graders around.  I go back on February 23! This pregnancy is flying by! 

We also bought plane tickets to go to California for Spring Break.  I will be taking the boys to visit family and see a friend who is also pregnant.  I can't wait to smell the ocean again! There is something about that California air!

Date: 02/1/15
Week: 20 weeks 5 days
Estimated baby size: an artichoke
Total Weight Gain: +8 pounds 
THIRSTY. The hip pain is in full force.  I have to make sure I walk and do lots of stretching before going to sleep or my hip is in so much pain when I wake up.  
Cravings: Clementines, vegetables, fruit, limes, cilantro, CHEESE, Taco Bell :)

What is baby doing?: Bowel: Meconium is accumulating in your baby's bowel. This sticky black substance made up of sloughed cells, digestive secretions, and swallowed amniotic fluid will show up in her first dirty diaper.
Skin: Your baby's body is now coated with a greasy white substance, the vernix caseosa, that protects her skin during its long submersion in amniotic fluid.
 Seahawks pride at work!!!

 Joint b-day cake for me and my aunt.

 Bumper cars!

 Clark busted his lip on Friday :(

 Kannon and Heather getting soaked at bumper boats.

 A Superbowl divided! Pats and Seahawks fans!

Pops and Kannon!