Thursday, July 30, 2015

4 Weeks Old!

 He hijacked my attempt to pack :)

This week was full of milestones!  We flew to California on the 23rd.  I thought Southwest's policy on flying with a newborn was 14 days old, but apparently it was 21 days.  They stopped us at check-in to verify that Quinn was OLD enough to fly.  It was 7am, our midwife wasn't available, and having had a home birth, I didn't have a hospital record.  After holding up the line for 15 minutes, they let us go but encouraged me to find documentation for the ride home.  Everyone did great on the flight to California, especially since Gigi made each boy a candy bag with toys, 

Friday and Saturday we ran errands to get ready for my Nana's 80th birthday party.  We had fun introducing Quinn to all our family members.  Saturday night was my Nana's party, where she got spoiled like a princess.  Sunday we met a former colleague for lunch.  Monday, we spent all day at the pool, where the boys suddenly decided they wanted to swim without floaties.....and they DID!  Tuesday, we played in the water at my aunt's house.  Wednesday we did a one-mile hike at the nature center, where Kannon got a behind the scenes tour of the snake classroom.  Friday we are going to SeaWorld and Saturday we fly home.  This trip has flown by!!!

This week's milestones:
  • Quinn has been smiling at everyone, but especially Papa! 
  • First airplane ride
  • Dipped feet in Pacific Ocean
  • First hike
  • Kannon and Clark learned to swim without floaties!

 Waiting at the airport
 Taking off... Clark's favorite part
 Meeting Nana and Papa for the first time

 Learning to swim....little did I know these floaties would come off!
 Kannon was so tired he slept in the cart at Wal-Mart

 We told them they could only get their feet wet.

 Clearly, they didn't listen.

 Meeting my former colleague, Neaz.

 Hiking at the Nature Center!

 One  month old!

3 Weeks Old!

This week flew by! With my cousin still in town we stayed busy by going to Kemah, playing at parks, and preparing for our annual lease renewal.  The boys had a great time visiting with Kirsten and her boyfriend Evan.

Unfortunately, someone ran a red light and ran into Dale driving the Subaru.  The Subaru is in the shop and will be fixed by the time we get home from California.  Thank goodness for insurance!

Sunday, after all the drama, we drove to my Grandma's house in Burnet, TX.  We had a wonderful time swimming in the river and at nearby Inks Lake.  The boys loved playing with my Grandma's dogs, who they aptly named "Grandpa".

We leave for CA on Thursday! Can't wait!

This week's major milestones:

  • First road trip to Burnet, TX!
  • Rolled from belly to back
  • Clark finally decided he likes his new brother!
  • First trip to the Galleria (mall)
  • Dipped his toes in the Colorado River

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Look Alikes...

We can't seem to figure out who Quinn looks like.  Some days he looks more like Kannon and other days he looks like Clark.  What do you think?







2 Weeks!

This week was a busy week! The boys went to summer camp for the first time.  It was just a day camp but they loved it!  I highly recommend Samurai Karate Dojo.  They took the kids on field trips in the morning and then taught them karate lessons in the afternoons.  The boys loved it!

We went to the beach in Galveston and the boys loved it!!! We went later in the day when it was cool for Quinn and I.  The boys loved playing in the sand and tide pool and Quinn even got to dunk his feet in the warm water. 

My cousin Kirsten arrived and has kept us busier than we probably should be but we love visiting and chatting with her. Since her arrival, we haven't seen much of Kannon, Clark, or Emma (dog) because they are glued to her side.

This week's major milestones:

  •  Kannon and Clark went to summer camp, leaving mommy to snuggle all day with Quinn.
  • Quinn went to the movies with mommy and daddy.  He slept through San Andreas!
  • The cord fell off at 8 days. Quinn finally got his first bath and loved it!
  • 10 day well check...perfect :)  He is 9 lbs 2 oz.
  • Auntie Kirsten and Evan came to visit.  Quinn got to go to the dog park, the beach, ride the train at Hermann Park, and visits to Petrol Station, Olive Garden, Bernie's Burger Bus, and Mission Burrito. 
  • Dunked Quinn's feet in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Quinn was left alone for an hour with Kirsten and Evan so I could pick up the boys.  
  • Quinn passed his hearing screen