Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Diary of the Ninja Kids: April 13-15th, 2020

April 13th 2020

Today I woke up and remembered that yesterday was Easter and we got to do an egg hunt. That was really really fun and we got presents from our family.  Then I had breakfast this morning and I had a cinnamon roll for breakfast. Then I found some extra paracord to play with so I made a little paracord person that looks really cool. Last night we also watch Pearl Harbor. Then today (Monday) I got to chat with my friends and play with my brothers. Since coronavirus is happening, I'm chatting with my friends online. I also drew while I was talking to my friends. For dinner tonight we're having pizza and I am really excited for that. 

Peace Out,
Rabbit Ninja AKA  Clark 

April 13, 2020

Yesterday we did an Easter egg hunt and got prizes and stuff from the Easter Bunny.

Then we had breakfast and watched half of Pearl Harbor, Storks, and other stuff. We had Easter stuff for lunch, cassoulet and cherry pie for dinner and dessert. It snowed today so we just relaxed and had a nice day.


Raptor Ninja AKA Kannon

April 14, 2020

Yesterday I woke up and watched tv and then we did learning learning time. We did science and geography, online learning, and independent reading.

We had hardboiled eggs and sandwiches for lunch, and we finished Pearl Harbor and Onward. Pearl Harbor was a pretty cool movie. I think I am going to read more books about it.


Raptor Ninja AKA Kannon

April 14, 2020

Yesterday we watched Trolls World Tour and had rice krispy treats last night. The weather is still cold and snowy so we didn't play outside and we earned a new movie from our chore chart. Every time we get Chore Blackout (for doing all our chores) we get to watch a movie on demand.

My mom had a lot of calls and work to do yesterday so we did our learning time and then basically had free time to craft and play.

Raptor Ninja AKA Kannon

April 15th, 2020 

 Yesterday I watch the movie Trolls World Tour and I thought it was a really good movie. We also ate rainbow Rice Krispie treats that our mom made and those were delicious. Today I woke up and took a shower and that felt really good on my arm. I also watched an episode of "I Draw, You Cook" and while I was doing that I made a paracord wire thing. So it's just a piece of thick wire and I wrapped paracord around it and it looks really cool. Also, yesterday was a fun play day because our mom was on meetings all day. We still did our learning time but we also got to make stuff. I made a toy grappling hook that was really fun to play with. Then, I played with my cat professor and he was acting so funny.

Peace Out,
Rabbit Ninja AKA  Clark 
Delicious Cherry Pie

Quinn really liked the egg hunt

Indoor Easter Egg Hunt

Professor is a weird cat

My paracord toy

We did masks while we watched Pearl Harbor

Kannon made this garden bed out of old wood, Clark and Quinn painted it

Dying easter eggs

The box we made Professor

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Diary of the Ninja Kids: April 163, 2020

April 8, 2020
Today I woke up and was a little sad because yesterday we set up a tent in the backyard and I wasn't able to sleep in it. I know I haven't blogged in a while, so sorry. It was spring break and we have been busy. Anyways, today I woke up sad becuase I couldn't sleep in the tent. Then this morning me and my brother, Kannon, played a game. Then we played in the tent because it was still up. We had a lot of fun. After that we started science and geography and that was really fun. Then after that I had a little bit of free time but now I'm doing work and that's so far my day. 

Last week we were on spring break and I didn't blog that week. The best part was on Monday, I got my cast off. I took an x-ray and they said I didn't have to go into a short cast. I just got a brace and that was really nice because I can finally take a shower. When I got the cast off my arm, it was disgusting and it was super dry and sensitive. I almost threw up. Also we started a new schedule so some  learning time changed to different times now that my mom is working more and my dad is taking online classes. 

 Peace out, 
Rabbit Ninja AKA Clark

April 8,2020

One of my favorite things to do is to draw and watch tv stuff like forged in fire and ANW.

I like to craft swords and draw swords. Right now, I’m making a thing off of “If you were on Forged in Fire”. Forged in fire is a show where people have to make blades.

Peace out,

Raptor ninja.

April 9th 2020

 Today I woke up but I didn't wake up in the house. I woke up outside because last night me and my big brother, Kannon, and Emma, my dog, slept outside in a tent. It was super fun!!!!!!!!!!!! So today me and my brother woke up outside and we just started playing with each other and then we went inside and have breakfast. I made eggs. After that we watched “Making It” which is a show about crafts and stuff. It's super cool and then after that I went to go play outside with my brother. Then my mom said it was geography and science. We learned about Hawaii, Washington, and Alaska. After that my mom showed me pictures of when she was young.  Also yesterday I made a green paracord bracelet for myself and it looks really really cool. Also, since me and my brother, Kannon slept outside we had the idea of spending 24 hours in the tent. It is supposed to snow again, so maybe when it is warmer we can do a 24 hour challenge. 

Peace out, 

Rabbit Ninja AKA Clark

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Diary of the Ninja Kids: March 31 & April1, 2020

March 30, 2020

Over the weekend I played baseball and Coloradopaly. Today we went to the park and played baseball. It was so fun!

After that we went home. I did cursive and geography, then snack and blogging, Then we are going do our school work and have outdoor time. I love playing games with my family and spending all this time together.

Peace out, 
Raptor Ninja, AKA Kannon

April 1, 2020

Today is April Fool’s day. I woke up and went to my mom’s room and snuggled with Sasha, Emma, my mom and dad.

My biggest fear is coronavirus. We have to stay at home and that sucks, but I don’t mean sucks, I mean that I wish it was never here. I don't like it and it’s dangerous and it sucks.  I try not to worry about it but deep down I worry about people I love getting sick and not being able to see them.  My mom and dad are

Peace out, 
Raptor Ninja, AKA Kannon

April 1st  2020
Today I woke up and I was the first person awake so I read Dogman and I finished it in one night. Then after that I realized it was a April Fool's Day I made a picture that says “April Fool’s” and has a little frog on it. I had some tape and paracord so I taped the paracord to the picture. Since we sleep on bunk beds, my bigger brother sleeps on the bottom bed. I lowered the paracord down into his face so when he woke up he would see the April Fool's card. Then everybody woke up and my parents watched the news and then I went to play outside after that breakfast was ready. Breakfast was delicious we had  Dutch Babies. Yesterday, I made a little yarn stuffy. His name is Socktupus. He's blue and he's just an octopus but I want to call him Socktopus because he's really nice and soft. Then we did a workout to get our energy out. We did a Ninja Nation workout because my brothers and I love Ninja Warrior. 

Peace  out, 

Rabbit Ninja AKA Clark