Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cherishing Clothing

I normally don't give a damn about clothes. I wear whatever is (mostly) clean, usually the first thing I reach in my closet after a long night's sleep. Sometimes, if I am lucky, I match but usually, I look rather un-styled (according to my brother) sporting the same pair of jeans and a shirt from my early college days. However, I find myself going to the baby's newly set-up nursery to fondle and match outfits for any and every occasion.

Already, I have discovered favorites--the adorable baby items that will undoubtedly only be worn a few times and held on for years for their memory. Some include some hand-made items from friends and relatives, others include gifts that tell or story, and some are straight hand-me downs but nonetheless adorable. Of course, it is a little hard to imagine them on a baby, but you get the idea.

Hopefully, our baby will be wearing this home from the hospital (assuming I don't change my mind or forget to pack the hospital bag!) The hat was the first gift we received for the baby way back in April. My friend, Hanna, had the hat specially made by an older woman while backpacking through Argentina. The onesie was from Dale's parents and the booties are just truly adorable!

This is the only item I have purchased for the baby--we have been given so many clothes! However, I couldn't resist these soft-soled shoes for my little monkey!

After I refreshed Hanna's memory for crocheting, she sent me this little tiger cap she made. She tells me she has more on the way--seriously, this baby is going to be one well dressed little man!

At our baby shower, people painted onesies and bibs, these are just a few of the creations and my personal favorites

With the exception of a few, this basket is filled with all hand-made blankets. Some are crocheted, while others are knitted or quilted. Each blanket is warm and soft and perfect for cuddling on those cold Montana days.

The $38 "Green" Nursery

After two baby showers and very generous family Dale and I had baby stuff coming out of our ears. Our living room was a mine field trying to navigate the way from the bedroom to the bathroom during the night. Originally we weren't going to set up the baby's room until later but after too many stubbed toes, cursing, and more stuff we decided enough was enough and turned our spare room into an awesome little nursery for $38. Crazy, I know!

I had the perfect nursery pictured in my mind but Dale and I are limited in funds and really against buying new stuff only to fill our garbage with more packaging and waste. We aren't super "green" people but we are eco-conscious remembering to recycle, use reusable bags, and live a close to waste-free lifestyle. So imagine my excitement when I found two gallons of low-voc paint downstairs that had been left behind by a former tenant. The creamy latte and olive green paint inspired my nesting instinct and by the end of the day, our formerly wood-paneled spare bedroom was colored and ready for set-up!

Dale spent 4 hours one morning cursing from the bedroom as he set up the crib, but in a matter of time and patience the crib was settled into its final spot. We had a dresser that fits a changing pad perfectly, a rocking chair and ottoman that we bought for $10 at Goodwill, and a rug that came from my office. All that was needed was some wall art and a few shelves.

Dale suggested putting maps up and after all those years of collecting travel maps and post-cards I found a use for them! Maps of Italy, Germany, France, and Amsterdam fulfill our travel-bugs and post-cards that line the crown-molding will hopefully someday inspire our little one!

I found a shelf in the garage and added a coat of paint and with one trip to Target we found our nursery complete. We found a garbage can, mesh laundry bags (perfect for cloth diapers!) and organizational baskets (in addition to a few other items) for $28.

With a little creativity and some extra paint, we were able to turn our formally drab spare-room into a comfortable room that truly feels like a vacation within our home...and all for the low price of $38. The best part, it was all recycled, gifted, and (almost) waste-free. And of course, when I realize that I am changing a diaper full of shi* all I have to do is look up at the map of Paris and reminisce my days of parading the Champs d'Elysee.


Did I mention that we also scored a free bassinet from our neighbors to keep at our bedside for those early weeks??? Amazing.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Little Laundry Love

I hate laundry. Before I met Dale my laundry habits were far from sanitary as I let it pile up in my closet, only forcing myself to wash my clothes when I was either out of underwear, or out of money to buy new underwear. I confess I wore the same pair of jeans for 3 weeks when I was in college--hey, it was finals and there was no time for laundry!

The process of putting clothes in the washer and the dryer is fine, its the putting them away part that I hate. I cant stand the way freshly laundered clothes feel...staticky, warm, ugh. Lucky for me, Dale is my laundry god as somehow, he manages to make all my dirty laundry disappear and reappear clean in my closet, folded, hanged, and dry. However, as much I as I hate doing laundry, I did 3 loads yesterday, each with love and excitement as I was washing BABY CLOTHES.

It seems like a simple task, but to me, a first-time mom and laundry virgin, I was clueless. I actually googled "how to wash newborn clothes" because I didn't want to screw anything up. I wanted to make sure the clothes are clean, free of any dyes and germs, and sensitive for my baby's rump. So I dove straight in, using 1/8 cup of Bio-Pac Free & Clear detergent, on a hot wash and cold rinse. I even put the baby socks in a sock bag to ensure the sock monster would leave them alone. Then, I dried them without fabric softener on medium heat. A few hours later, I found myself pacing around the dryer waiting for the buzzer so I could sort through all my goodies.

Baby hats, booties, and onesies quickly filled the table I converted into a laundry area. I lovingly stared at the tiny socks, dreaming of little baby toes and fingers. I found sleep sacks, pants, and shirts adorable. I sorted clothes between "newborn", "0-3 months", "3-6" months and beyond. I imagined dressing our little peanut up in swim shorts for the summer, a fleece jacket for the winter, and even a chili pepper costume for Halloween. And, I admit, I picked out that perfect outfit to bring the baby home from the hospital in. I swore I wouldn't do it but I couldn't resist the lime green onesie that says "little guy" beneath an embroidered moose (I promise, pictures soon!). I pared it navy blue pants, a little blue knitted hat, and blue slipper socks. My little guy is better dressed than I am! And, he is certainly coming home in style!

After a few more loads of laundry and delicately folded sheets and blankets, I turned off the nursery light, and went to bed dreaming about my soon-to-be little boy in that adorable little outfit. Laundry wasn't so bad after all--now if only I felt the same way about my clothes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Its STILL September????@!@#?

As usual, my pregnancy is progressing perfectly. Aside from the back ache, hip pain, night sweats, and a cramped stomach, I still love being pregnant (especially when our little one makes his nightly round of belly theater!). Nonetheless, I am tired, cranky, and so excited to get rewarded with a new bundle of joy come October! On our way out of the doctor's this morning, I made another 2 week appointment, hoping that it would be October.....but no, it is STILL September!!!! I am still cursing as September seems like its going to drag on forever!!!!

We had our 34 week appointment today and everything is going great. Baby is looking good, healthy, and on-schedule. Of course, we already knew that! Our doctor reported to us that the baby is head-down (still) and is looking like he will be a good size, about 6 pounds 5 ounces....for the sake of my labor, let's hope he's right! Our due date is still October 27th, so let the countdown begin: 43 days!!!!!!!

I have been digesting almost every video, book, and magazine that I can get my hands on regarding childbirth and pregnancy. I am pretty sure I have wiped the library clean on their selection--I have an addiction. I love learning about the process! I am seriously considering going back to school for nursing, midwifery, or becoming a doula because I cant stop learning....however, I recognize that this is a common phase for many pregnant women so no worries, I haven't sent those school applications out yet! Anyways, despite my library collection of videos I still wanted to take a birthing class, so Dale (dragging his feet behind me) and I headed to a birthing class on Saturday.

All in all, the class was interesting. I didn't feel I learned anything new but it was good to connect with Dale and actually practice labor positions, pain management, and talk about a birth plan. We felt really confident after leaving the class especially as so many of the other couples we so unprepared! Our instructor thanked us after the class and told us that she wished she could have a couple like us in every class because we were so relaxed! Now, that the class is over, I am ready for the fun to begin!

We also got a tour of the hospital, which was superb. We were surprised to find that our hospital encourages natural childbirth, the use of showers and tubs during delivery, has 100% rooming-in with baby (all of which are private!), and has a strict quiet hours policy so mom and dad can bond with a new baby! After hearing horror stories of some folks experiences, I was really nervous but feel great now.

I painted the baby's room yesterday with some leftover paint I found in the basement. We have a crib, dresser, changing table, and clothes, now all we need is a carseat!!! I keep kicking myself to order it, because it will take a few days with shipping....

Dale and I are headed to Bozeman/Big Sky next weekend for his wine class and exam. We are very much looking forward to the little road trip and are going to make a vacation out of it!! Until then, Dale is studying hard for the class and I am finishing up the baby's room. I promise I will post photos soon!