Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Project 365:: Day 236

Day 236 Kannon has discovered that mommy's slippers are really quite comfortable! I hope he plans on returning them soon.

Project 365:: Day 235

Day 235 Clark is approaching his one year birthday and I am amazed at how fast time flies. It seems like yesterday we were cuddling with our sweet newborn and now we are chasing after this goofy bundle of love who is now signing "all done"!

Project 365:: Day 234

Day 234 Today was our last day of visitors. We are so sad to see them leave as we had TONS of fun walking around Seattle, consuming coffee and other yummy treats. On their last day, we headed to Pike Place and I introduce Diana to the famed "Piroshky, Piroshky". We were all delighted, even Kannon, who yet again ate one of these beast on his own!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Project 365:: Day 233

Day 233 We went to Revel (again, I know?!) for some wonderful brunch. Kannon has developed a habit of wanting to walk, more like run, everywhere we go. It is hard to keep up!!!!

Project 365:: Day 232

Day 232 We have been walking like crazy these days hoping that our little guy, Clark, may get inspired to walk himself. We headed to Green Lake and explored the wading pool and playground before stopping at a coffee shop that had a great play area. Clark was happy to be standing and has since spent 90% of his time standing and practicing standing by himself! It wont be long!

Project 365:: Day 231

Day 231 We headed to Capitol Hill for an extended walk. The boys loved cruising around Broadway, Seattle University, and the Cal Anderson Park. We had delicious pho (noodle soup) and continued making our rounds on what was a beautiful Seattle evening. Even with a belly full of pho, Kannon ran all the way back to the car. I bet he sleeps good tonight!

Project 365:: Day 230

Day 230
My cousin, Kirsten, and my Aunt Diana are in town for a few days. As expected, we wined and dined them and took them to Revel so they could get the full experience. We were all delightfully full of good food but Clark seemed the happiest out of us all lapping up his cilantro noodle bowl. Yum!

Project 365:: Day 229

Day 229
Anyone need a ride? Kannon was pretty comfy in the sidecar, unfortunately, he didn't get to ride anywhere despite his requests.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Project 365:: Day 228

Day 228 I ordered these books of Woot for Kannon's birthday. However, Dale forgot the memo and decided to give Kannon the books early. Kannon was so excited to open each book, taking care to press each button, turn the page, and then shout "CAR!". I guess I will forgive Dale this time seeing as Kannon is in love with his new board books.

Project 365:: Day 227

Day 227
After a busy weekend, we kept is easy and just headed to the park for our "daily outing". Kannon and Clark tried swinging in the same seat and I will take the squeals and laughter and as a sign that they liked it.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Project 365:: Day 226

Day 226 While we were waiting for Tammy and her crew to go to the aquarium Kannon and I ran a bunch of errands. And everyone knows, no trip is complete without coffee. So Kannon and I stopped for coffee and imagine his excitement to see two big dogs just for climbing. What a cutie.

Project 365:: Day 225

Day 225 Help! We have been cloned! Is this Kannon and me? Or is this Tammy and Liam?

Our friends Tammy and Liam (pictured) were in town for the weekend. Kannon and Liam used to play together when we lived in Idaho and they sure had fun playing this weekend. Between the two of us we had four boys and it was super fun although exhausting watching them jump from the couch to the bed for hours. We picked blackberries, swam, jumped, ate at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant (Kannon's fave) and enjoyed our time together. It was so fun and I hate that we live so far apart!!!!

Project 365:: Day 224

Day 224 Hello chili enchilladas! Dale has been managing the homefront and just when I think our kids will surely be eating lollipops and popcorn for dinner, Dale whips out this. Yum.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Project 365:: Day 223

Day 223 Mom, this one is for you! Since you didn't see our Seattle cheer, at least you can see our t-shirt!

Project 365:: Day 222

Day 222 Kannon is officially becoming a big boy---he even has the Star Wars shirt to prove it. Now if only he could his jedi powers to clean the house.

Project 365:: Day 221

Day 221 This week I have been waking up before the kids to go to training at the UW. Today, Clark woke up early with his big brown eyes and just stared lovingly at me. I miss our early morning time together!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Project 365:: Day 220

Day 220 Um, hello Parmesan and cracked pepper polenta with delicious 17-bean chicken stew....I love that my husband can cook.  Damn good.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Project 365:: Day 219

Day 219 We have taken to a routine of walking to our local coffee shop for an Americano (for Mommy), a scone (for Kannon), and of course a dog treat (for Emma).  Kannon has come to love our ritual although my wallet isnt too happy ;)  At this point I have developed an addiction to triple shot Americanos with extra room for cream.  Kannon has developed an addiction to sitting in these big green chairs pointing at every car and airplane that zoom by.  I dont think Emma minds the early morning walks either....

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dancing with the babes.....

When Kannon was ten months old, I was reading our "What to Expect the Toddler Years" and couldnt help but chuckle at the thought of Kannon dancing.  According to their research, "toddlers start to dance around 14 month" and thought of Kannon dancing choked me up, because how could this barely balancing, barely walking little man dance?  Well, little did I know, Kannon would do his first two step a few months later.  And it was adorable. He clearly took dance lessons from a friend of mine because he had the same signature moves.  Well, here we are not even a year later, and I have new dance monkey on my hands. Clark, now 10 months old, loves music.  Not just any music.  Clark prefers the classic rock unlike his older brother who preferred the Bob Marley and Elvis music. I luckily caught a few of his grooves on video but of course, he got a little shy as soon as he saw me peeking in on his one man dance party. I think he has rhythm!!

Project 365:: Day 218

Day 218
I confess I took my kids to McDonalds. In all fairness, I had work to do, the kids were cranky, and it was raining. McDonalds being two blocks from our house and offering cheap coffee sounded like a solid plan. And it was. Kannon, as expected, avoided the cushy toddler area, complete with a mirror and ball pit, and headed right for the big slide. This big slide was clearly labeled "3 years and up" but that didn't stop Kannon. He climbed right in and a short minute later was zooming down the 20 foot spiral tube slide. What a brave kid! After 30 trips up and down the poor kid was pooped so we headed home. Say what you will....I loved this place (just not the food).

Friday, August 5, 2011

Project 365:: Day 217

Day 217 Today I dressed up and hopped on a bus downtown. I always dreamed of being that high-power woman in heels working in a downtown office. I got to pretend a little bit today as I had a morning meeting in the Columbia Tower (40th floor!!!). It felt good to pretend even if it was for just an hour. I could get used to the view....

Project 365:: Day 216

Day 216 Clark has taken to feeding Emma his scraps. I dont think she is complaining....

Project 365:: Day 215

Day 215 We have a stair master!!! Clark cant help but tackle the stairs---especially diaper free!

Project 365:: Day 214

Day 214 It was hot here today, so Kannon indulged on a Klondike bar. Yummy!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hmmm....lets hope I get placed!

Seattle Public Schools hiring list should include Teach for America instructors

Seattle is hiring teachers for next fall. Candidates should include those from Teach for America, the national teachers corps earning high marks for placing top college graduates in challenging schools.

There is nothing sacrosanct about the old familiar routes. Too many traditional teacher-preparation programs are lacking, the harshest criticism reserved for those that are little more than diploma mills. Some universities have moved swiftly to address quality concerns but programs like Teach for America are stepping into the void.

Broadening the pipeline is critical, particularly in socioeconomically diverse communities where teacher faculties are weakest.

This is not a one-size-fits-all answer but a federal study suggests nontraditionally trained teachers have helped raise student performance.

A study of Teach for America's impact in North Carolina between 2000 and 2006 found it had more impact on student performance than traditional teachers, as measured by end-of-course tests. Improvements were in several areas of science and was strongest in math.

Raising math and science achievement is a key goal in America's classrooms.

Alternative certification programs also add diversity, bringing in more male teachers and more minorities than traditional programs, according to a report by the Urban Institute in Washington.

The K-12 teaching force, overwhelmingly white at 84 percent, could benefit from diversity that better reflects the changing faces of students.

Teach for America has been in the classroom for two decades. Currently, 9,300 TFA-trained teachers work nationwide in rural and urban settings and Indian reservations. Concern that most leave the classroom after their two-year commitment is fair, but ought to be broadened to include the low retention rates among all teachers.

The nonprofit's strength may be in its recruiting. A New York Times article noted the program "has always carefully sifted through applicants' grade-point averages and other data" for the strongest candidates. Oversight of these teachers, as with any teacher, provides a track record and lessons to learn from.

The Federal Way School District may also hire TFA candidates next fall. Other districts should follow suit. Good teachers come via many routes.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Project 365:: Day 213

Day 213 We met Jarred downtown for a minute and I was quite surprised when he showed up in his Ural. He has had this thing for a few years now but it sat broken for most of its life. The ural is finally fixed and Jarred is now getting plenty of rides in----sometimes even with the dog, Emma!

Project 365:: Day 212

Day 212 Nothing is better than naptime at Fremont Brewing Company.  I have mentioned this place before but I dont think it gets enough mention!!! Dog and kid friendly and lots of tasty beers make Mama (and Daddy) happy campers!

Project 365:: Day 211

Day 211 Hanna gave us a blueberry bush when she moved. We have lots of blueberries!!! Kannon loves to help pick the berries during our morning newspaper run. YUMMO!