Friday, April 9, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Alright, I am a sucker and have given in to online blog parties.  With little time on my hands, juggling a baby, work, and life in general it is sometimes hard to spend time with real friends.  So my life went online.

A little about me, I live in Montana with my husband, 5-month old, 1 dog, and 2 cats....oh, and I am PREGNANT....again!  My life is always chaotic and full of frenzy.  It may not be glamorous but it is most certainly always an adventure. 

I started blogging when my husband and I first got married and made the bold move to pack up and move from Seattle to Montana.  I wanted to log our adventure and our adventure got a lot more interesting when we added a dog and then a baby to the mix.  Now my blogging is a little more organized as I attempt to document my life as a mother, wife, and human being and the growth of my young son.  My blogs are truthful and sometimes hilarious to the point of peeing in your pants, but mostly they are just an attempt to express my feelings that sometimes go unsaid when you haven't seen an adult in over 10 hours.

Did I mention that this party comes with prizes????  To join, follow the Ultimate Blog Party button to get started.

I am in need of a blog makeover, so I would love to win one of these prizes:


  1. Your little boy is the cutest and congrats on the new addition! Have fun at the blog party!

  2. Hi there! I found you by way of the UBP! I'm Conni ( army wife and homeschooling mom of three. Nice to meet you!

  3. Being a SAHM is an Just stopping in to say hello from the party! Hope you're having a great time!!

  4. Wow a 5 month old and pregnant again. Bless your heart!!! Your little guy is such a cutie. I'm a SAHM of 4 boys. Well I'm your newest follower and can't wait to read more. Hope you enjoy the blog party and have a great weekend. If ya want feel free to check my blog out too!!!


  5. Hey there. Love your blog and the header pic is so cute. Love all the hand made hats.

  6. Happy UBP! Good luck on winning a prize!

  7. Just dropping in from UBP10 and wanted to say "hello"! Hope you're having fun with the party.

    Have a GREAT weekend!

  8. First of all, congratulations to you and your beautiful family! And it's very nice to meet you! :)

  9. CONGRATS!! Another one on the way! How fun! hope you'll find some time to continue blogging! :)

    Have fun at the UBP! Great to connect!

    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you'll stop by and visit! And my Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

  10. Oh, the CUTENESS!! He is adorable!!!!!!!!!

    I have a seven month old --- aren't they fun (tiring, but fun!)?

    Congrats on the 2nd!

    My UBP Post: It's Party Time!

  11. Just dropping by from the party. What an adorable collage you have at the top of you blog. Lauralee :)

  12. Love your blog. I am stopping by via the UPB2010 blog hop ;)
    Please visit my blog as well?

  13. Stopping by for the party!
    I'm in the running for a new blog layout too-good luck!

    Oh-and Montana is just beautiful! You're so lucky to live there. :)

  14. Sweet! I love peeing in my pants...LOL! Bring on the funny girl, can't wait to read more!!

    Happy UBP '10

  15. I was just in Seattle :-) Montana would be a great place to live. I live over in Michigan - it's still cold here, unfortunately. Hope you're enjoying the party!

  16. Happy UBP Party!!! I love your blog honey.....I am now following on Google Friend Connect. Feel free to stop by mine as well at

    This is way fun than I thought, meeting new blogs I didnt even know exist! I will be reading up on archives all night long.

  17. Blowing in from the UBP to say hi :)

  18. your baby is soooo cute! I have two boys 20 mo apart, and they are getting to be friends now! you are going to have fun!
    (stopping by from UBP)

  19. Hi! I'm Stephanie from "And Twins make 5! - A Mommy Blog". Just making the rounds via the UBP 2010, hope to see you around my blog too!

  20. congrats on the pregnancy!!!!! YAY!! so happy for you. I need to oreder a hat once we get settled in our new place. its still at the top of my wishlist.

  21. Our two boys are a little less than 15 months apart as well. Life with two littles ones is so much fun! They are best buddies. :-)

    ~ Carrie ~

  22. hey i'm passing through with the party and you have a new follower!

  23. Wow! You are going to be one busy girl!!! Congrats on the pregnancy. Have fun with the UBP!

  24. Happy UBP! I just saw your post about breastfeeding and I can totally relate! Good luck with your beautiful family. I think I'll follow your adventures!
