Tuesday, April 27, 2010

mama confesses:: exhaustion

I am tired.  Spent. Finished.  Exhausted.  The whirl of activity going on in our life is leaving me without energy and emotion. 

I am too tired to blog. 

I told Dale today that I want to go on vacation for a week while he finishes up the packing and moving.  Who knew moving could suck the life out of me so quick.  I am sick of the waiting, the living out of boxes, and wishing I hadn't packed my dutch oven already. 

I am too tired to brush my teeth or change my clothes. 

I am too tired to play with Kannon today. 

I am too tired to think about the growing baby in my belly.

Is it okay if I just lay in bed the rest of the day?  Someone send the packing fairies. While you are at send a babysitter too. 



  1. You should definitely brush your teeth.. ;]

  2. haha...i haven't even showered yet but i did take your advice and brush my teeth. I even used mouthwash :)
