Friday, October 22, 2010

worse night ever.

Somebody start the coffee and put an IV in me.  We are soooo tired today.  Dale stayed up working on his BarSmarts course last night until 2am meanwhile I was nursing Clark every 45 minutes until 6:15am.  Just when Clark finally decided to doze off, if was time to head to his circumcision and 2 week well check this morning.

We were running late.  So without my coffee, I left Dale at home with Kannon, and braved rush-hour traffic at 8am with a screaming baby to get to Mercer Island by 9.  Sometimes, I hate the city. 

But we made it.  Clark got his tip snipped without even a peep and passed out just in time for another jaunt across the city for his 2-week well check.

We just love our pediatrician who is likewise in love with both our kids.  She said that Clark is very alert and observant for his age....which explains the lost sleep :(  She suggested moving him into his own space instead of co-sleeping---it might be less distracting.  So tonight, we will shift things around and put Clark in his bassinet and see if that means more sleep for us.  At two weeks old, Clark is weighing in at 7 lbs 7 oz and just a shade over 20 inches long.  He just keeps growing!!!

We are taking a break from doctors for a while.  Kannon goes in for his 1-year well check in November and Clark won't go back until December.  This might be the first 2-week stretch that didn't involve a doctors visit for one of us since.....March????? 

Until then, I am attempting a nap before our next adventure.

1 comment:

  1. wow! That is quite the night/day. What a blessing for the circumcision to go with out a cry! What a pleasant baby :) Liam was also deemed "alert and observant" Hopefully you don't have a finicky sleeper like me! :)
