Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Its a Boy.....or girl" Cabbage Salad

This time last year I was peeing on cabbage.   Errr, more like cabbage water.

I gave in to Old Wives Tales and decided to do my own gender test using cabbage water.  Last time, it came up boy 3 times and girl once.  This time, after hiding the cabbage from my husband, it came up the same.  3 times a boy, 1 time a girl.

To do this test, you boil half a head of red cabbage for 10 minutes.  Strain and reserve the water and let it cool to room temperature. Add 1 oz cabbage water and 1 oz of firts morning urine that has also cooled to room temperature.  If it turns redish/pink its a boy.  If it turns bluish/dark purple its a girl.

With Kannon most of our gender tests proved correct.  I also knew the moment I tested positive that he would be a boy.  I have no "gut" feeling with this pregnancy, lets just hope it is not both!  So until the 20- week ultrasound, I will continue to test every Old Wives Tale in the book.

In the meantime, I had a surplus of red cabbage and decided I needed to fess up or make something delicious to hide my guilt.  (Really, who buys cabbage just to pee on??)  I had been having cravings for a delicious spicy red cabbage salad that we have had before at Papaluci's in Belmont Shore, CA and I decided to try my hand at replicating such.

It turned out pretty good.  Not quite the same as Papaluci's, but it satisfied my craving, one that would be otherwise hard to fulfill from 2,000 miles away.  Better yet, it gave me another reason to buy cabbage.

Not-Quite Papaluci's Spicy Red Cabbage Salad
1/2 head of Red Cabbage, thinly sliced
5-7 cloves of minced garlic
Red Wine Vinegar
Olive Oil

1.)  Toss cabbage, garlic, a dash of salt & pepper, and equal parts of red wine vinegar & olive oil.  (I used a cup of each).

2.) Place your salad in a shallow dish--a casserole or baking dish works perfectly. Cover and refrigerate for a few hours, tossing every so often to really flavor the cabbage.

3.) Serve yourself a huge bowl and wish you were at Papaluci's.  Go for seconds, thirds, and maybe even fourths.  Then hide the evidence from anyone who likes red cabbage, because it is purely divine. 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know about the cabbage test with Ryder, but I did it this time around and it was definitely a bluish/purple. I only did it once, maybe I should do it again and see what it says now. :)
