Tuesday, March 2, 2010

4 Months!!!

I was going to post this a few days ago but we wanted to wait until we got the official stats at Kannon's 4 month appointment yesterday.

Kannon is weighing in at 14 lbs 1 ounce and measuring 24 1/2 inches. At his 2 month appointment Kannon was a little on the small side but he has caught up now nearly doubling his birth weight!

As usual, the doctor gave us praises for growing and raising such a beautiful and healthy baby. Kannon was all smiles until the shots came....

He cried for 20 minutes--coughing, crying, and tears streaming down his face. We got home and he slept most of day away in my arms begging for warmth and comfort.

We got a little scare last night, when Kannon's temperature spiked to 101.4 and he clung on to me like a little monkey. After some tylenol and a warm bottle, he fell asleep and thankfully woke up with things back to normal this morning.

Now that things have returned to normalcy, here are some updates:

1.) Kannon is growing rapidly and has finally moved out his 0-3 months clothes and into his 3-6 months clothes. Of course, those clothes aren't going far now that #2 is on the way!

2.) We have discovered that Kannon like tummy time spent completely naked. We lay him on top of some cloth diapers and he rolls from belly to back over and over again. He hasn't quite rolled from back to belly yet, but he's trying!

3.) Kannon's little hands are reaching for everything. I can no longer type with him in my lap as he attempts to mimic my typing, deleting emails and writing non sense. He has started going after anything in his reach, including our cat's tails!

4.) We have discovered how to make Kannon laugh. He is ticklish on his chest and sides and goes bananas if you tickle him. It is the most soul satisfying laugh I have ever heard!

5.) Kannon is afraid of guitars...YES, GUITARS! Dalyn tried to serenade him and he immediately starting crying! She changed the tune and Kannon was soon trying to sing along with her.

6.) Kannon has started using his voice in other ways than just crying. He spends most of his morning talking to his monkey, elephant, and lion. Dale and I just listen and try to interpret all of his mutterings.

7.) Kannon has graduated to the big bath, after he consistently tried rolling himself out of the little tub. He is much happier now that he has room to splash and bathe.

Kannon is the center of attention around our house. We love the challenges we have with Kannon. Likewise, we adore every small moment with Kannon, the glimpses of love and happiness that he reveals. Some-days, it is hard, but Dale and I have learned to humor ourselves in the challenges and take pride in our successes. I find myself racing home during any errand or trip to the office just be home with my boys! I cant get enough waking hours with Kannon.....and I still sneak in at night just to give him a kiss!

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