Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wolf Keep

The students I work with were going on a field trip to the Wolf Keep located outside Missoula. Dale and I decided to tag along on their journey.

It was by far one of the coolest experiences I have ever shared! I dont know what I was expecting, I certainly havent spent much time with wolves. The owner started the wolf keep years ago. An girlfriend left him with her pet wolf and everyday, while stoned and drunk, the owner walked the wolf at least 4 hours a day. He walked himself sober and promised to protect wolves. Thus, the wolf keep was started.

Today, he has maybe 40 wolves (?) including a red steppenwolf. The owner, Karl, allowed us to toss hot dogs over the fence as he shared his knowledge of wolves while stoking his pipe. I never realized how amazing, yet frightening these wolves are. They act just like dogs one moment and the next are screaming and howling. We watched the wolves fight. We heard what sounded like a motorcycle in the distance and was actually just a wolf telling us to back off. Not a noise I would ever like to hear camping a night!

With all the debates going on about wolf delisting it was interesting to engage with wolves first hand and gain the perspective of someone who works with wolves daily. It will be interesting to see how their presence in Montana changes over the years as the subject continues to be debated.

I will attach some photos soon!

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