Monday, March 2, 2009

Emma Update

Our dog, Emma, is growing bigger everday however it looks like she may soon be reaching her full size. So far she has been a fantastic addition, not perfect as she still has accidents in the house and chewed through a pair of underwear. Emma can now sit, shake, lay down, and dance on command. She is great on walks and when you play with her she has this wonderful expression that shows extreme happiness as her tongue hangs off to side and head a little crooked.

There is something so satisfying about owing a dog. They are loyal, listen, and make up when they do something wrong. I love when Emma stretches out on our bed and throws her arm over my leg as if to cuddle. I love coming home to Emma when she wags her tail so hard her little but swaggers. I especially love seeing Emma run to Dale when he comes home all happy and excited.

Owning a dog can be hard work but it is also very rewarding. I was always afraid of owning dog, not wanting to deal with the hassel, but I am glad I got over that fear because Emma has had an indelible mark in our family.

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