Sunday, November 23, 2014

5 weeks!

This week has been an emotional roller coaster.  I spotted for three days and thought for sure that things were not going to end well. Then the spotting stopped and I started feeling morning sickness.  I never threw up but my stomach just felt queasy.  I had cramping for two days and then it went away.  I called several doctors to ease my fears and they all said everything I was experiencing was normal, especially as this is my third pregnancy.  By Friday, I finally felt like this pregnancy is real and I got home from work and had bright red spotting.  I made another call to the doctor and they all kept assuring me that it is okay.  They encouraged me to put my feet up and drink some water.   I still can't shake the uneasiness.  I keep feeling like something is going to happen but I want to stay positive that this little bean will decide to stick around!  So I am trying to stay distracted.  Then, I remembered that I went through the EXACT same thing when I was pregnant with Clark!

Dale and I celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary last night.  We dropped the boys off at my mom's and headed to the movies.  We watched Gone Girl and then dined out for delicious ramen with my aunt and uncle at a ramen bar.  Like a true old married couple, we were in bed by 9:30 and up at 5:45 for no reason.  I am so grateful for Dale as he has been wonderful! He has been taking care of the kids so I can keep my feet up. He made dinner every night this week and even brought home flowers and chocolate on Friday.  I am one lucky lady!

Date: 10/19/14
Week: 5 weeks 5 days
Estimated baby size: a sesame seed
Weight Gain: 0 pounds
cramping, spotting, constipation, CRAZY dreams, insomnia,  and sneezing!
What is baby doing?: Baby is now made up of three layers — the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm — which will later form all of his organs and tissues. This week, in fact, the baby's tiny heart begins to divide into chambers and beat and pump blood.

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