Thursday, November 11, 2010


Last night was probably the most important night of Dale's career.  We were nervous.  Like, day of your wedding nervous.  Good things were about to be born.  Dreams about to be made.

And of course, knowing our luck, we found cat poop on our bed, got shampoo in my eye, and jammed my toe minutes before this very special dinner.

You see Dale got an interesting call from a nice man to meet these highly regarded people for a job interview running their unknown restaurant.  Seriously, we didn't have many details and I was dubious about the opportunity but before I knew it we were being invited to have dinner (on them) at their very well known restaurant, Joule.

The husband/wife team are chef/owners of Joule, a fusion restaurant just named #3 in Seattle.  Did I mention that the couple appeared on their very own battle of Iron Chef America. Oh yeah, and they were semi-finalist for a James Beard Award?  And they just asked Dale to join their staff as a sort of front of the house manager/sommelier/server of their new restaurant Revel.  Dale is not only receiving salary and tips but also commission on wine sales.

So you can imagine our nervousness?

Last night, we left the babies at home for an occasion that called for showering, clean pants, and god forbid, those heels I have been hiding.  It was good.  So good.  I don't think Dale and I fully understood the full scope of this opportunity.  The chefs (Rachel and Seif) brought plate after plate of food that captured every essence of our culinary passion---seasonal, creative, fun, and cross-cultural.  It was truly a Seattle experience.   

There were tears of happiness at the end of the night.  How did this happen?  How did they find Dale?  Seif and Rachel expressed their gratitude and excitement towards Dale joining their team.  We rubbed our bellies, our eyes, and had a silent car ride home.  After a year of challenges, fallen opportunities, and unhappiness (with Dale's career) we finally got lucky and without even looking for it.

Revel will be opening in Fremont December 15th and we cannot wait for this baby to born!

Did I mention that Seif and Rachel have their own little baby, Pike, a 3 1/3 month old boy.  I sense trio forming.


  1. Congratulations! I am so excited for you. You've had such a whirlwind array of experiences in the past couple years that I'm soooo glad to hear that things are falling into place for you! Please wish Dale all the best for me. --- Hilary

  2. Wow that is so exciting!! Congratulations! That sounds like an amazing opportunity.

  3. awww Kat that's AWESOME!! Sounds like you made the right move to head to Seattle!!!! Congratulations :)
