Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Two Week Wonders...

Today little Kannon turned 2 weeks old. I know its only 2 weeks but after waiting 9 months to meet this little bugger, 2 weeks is an important milestone. I am not going to get cake and ice cream to celebrate but I will at least spend a few hours cuddling and staring with amazement at the wonders of life.

It still seems like a miracle to me that this little creature has eyes, ears, and toes after seeing what first looked like a blob on the ultrasound screen. Kannon has gone from sleeping all day, to becoming more and more alert, allowing us a few hours each day to gaze into his curious eyes.

We had our 2 week doctors appointment and Kannon is perfect (which we already knew!) and healthy. We were worried those first few days about breastfeeding, whether he was eating enough, as he was done to 6 lbs 10 oz when we left the hospital (totally normal) but had worries soothed when the scale topped off at 7 lbs 7 oz. Kannon gained 13 oz in 8 days!!! Even the doctor was amazed and complimented my milk supply--which has so far been receiving no complaints from little man. After a quick once over, we got the green light to go and will not go back until December 29, when this little man reaches 2 months!!!

We are still sleeping in shifts as it appears Kannon only likes to sleep when held or nursed to la-la land, which means Dale and I get 2-3 hours of sleep at a time until we make the baby exchange. We are starting to think more about setting sleep habits but are not yet ready to take the plunge.

Kannon is getting more tummy time and proving himself to be iron man as he can hold his up to get a view of the world and is starting to pull himself up. His legs are growing, stretching, and strong as he knocks our box of wipes over with nearly every diaper change!

We love being parents and even amongst the sacrifices and challenges, we share more love for this child than we ever thought possible. However, I will admit that last night, I had a "holy shit" moment as I realized the responsibility never ends. There are no days off. You cant call in sick. You cant just roll over and ignore it. There is no snooze button. But, its worth it to see little baby smiles, to smell newborn hair, and hold those little fingers knowing that this child shares an insurmountable bond with you. Its a responsibility well worth doing.

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