Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Project 365:: Day 172

Day 172 Before school started, I made a poster that says "If I finish early, I will..." and it lists three options. I never realized the value of creating a poster that would be so simple, yet so necessary to our classroom functions. What do you do when 5 3rd graders raise their hand and yell "I am done" while you are instructing others? So, our student's make their choices and sit silently at their desk. One of these choices is "Write your teacher a letter". This is by far the most popular choice and the most entertaining for us teachers. That pile of papers if filled with funny comments and stories from our students that keep me smiling ear to ear.

"Mrs. Pittman,

Do you really have two children? You must be OLD!"

"Mrs. Pittman,

SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! I wont disrupt your talking ever again. No way."

"Mrs. Pittman,

You are married, because you wear a ring on your finger. Wait---Does that you mean you are the oldest in this room??"

and Finally.....

"Mrs. Pittman,

I like your dress and your earrings and your hair. I am excited for you to be my teacher in summer school."

This will never get old.

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