Friday, February 25, 2011

Project 365:: Day 55

Day 55 Clark is almost 5 months old and while we were planning on waiting until 6 months to introduce solids Clark had other plans. His weight gain has been a little slow and he went from waking up once a night to waking up 4, sometimes 6 times , a night. I was debating supplementing with formula or introducing rice cereal but my pediatrician said it would be okay to try starting solids a little early. Research does indicate that breast milk is best for the first 6 months and delaying solids can prevent obesity, asthma, and diabetes later on. However, ensuring proper nutrition and growth is important. We got the go ahead to skip rice cereal and slowly introduce solids to Clark. What a difference!!!! Clark had avocado (mixed with lots of breast milk) and woke up twice last night! He seems much happier and has started napping in 2-3 hour stretches! What a big boy!

1 comment:

  1. Look at him! When they are ready, they are ready, that's for sure! Kylie was about the same age when she started solids. It's hard to believe now looking at her big appetite now at six months old, that I had ever thought she could hold off until close to six months on starting solids!
