Thursday, August 6, 2009

28 Weeks--Update

We had our 28 week appointment today and as usual, everything was perfect, we have so much to be thankful for!! I have gained a total of 16 pounds so far, passed my glucose screen with 104 (its supposed to be under 140), and my bp was its usual 117/80. The baby measured exactly on target at 28 weeks and 2 days and had a heartbeat of 150 bpm. My doctor wants us to come back in a month (32 weeks) and then we will start having appointments every 2 weeks. October seems so far away because it is a completely different season, but it is approaching so quickly!!! Our homework for this week: find a pediatrician and register for childbirth classes!!!

I completed the survey way back when I was 8 weeks along and again at 20 weeks, I thought it would be cool to update it again!
Mother Name: Kat
Age: 23
Birthday: January 28
Height: 5’3"

Father Name: Dale
Age: 27
Birthday: October 23
Height: 5'6"

Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes
How did you find out you were pregnant?: We werent actively trying, we just stopped using birth control in December. I woke up at 4am and realized I was late. I told my husband that I would wait a couple more days just in case. Sure enough, at 5weeks1day, I couldnt stand waiting and got a BIG FAT POSITIVE at 4am. We cant believe it happened so quickly!

What kind of pregnancy test did you take?: First Response

How many?: Just one. And then, a week before my first doctor's appt I took another, just to make sure I wasnt crazy.

What were your first symptoms?: 4am thirst, starving, cravings for kale & swiss chard, headache and general achiness.
Who did you tell first?: Husband and then a few friends and SIL.
Who was with you when you found out? Myself and of course, my dog who follows me everywhere, even into the bathroom.
Was baby planned?: Yes.. We were completely surprised that it happened so fast!
When was baby conceived?: Between Jan 30 and Feb 3. (Birthday baby!!!)
How far were you when you found out?: 5 weeks 1 day

Due date:: October 27th
Do you want to know the sex?: I always thought it was going to be a boy (all the old wives tales were right!!!) and then we thought maybe it was a girl, but it turns out our original thoughts were right!

Do you know the sex?: Yeppers!
If so, boy or girl?: BOY!
Any names?: We are not telling!!!

Any ultrasounds?: One at 8 weeks 2 days, one at 12 weeks 2 days, one at 20 weeks 2 days, one at 24 weeks, and another at 26 weeks. (He's a bit camera shy!)

Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yep, many times now, strong and fast! (154bpm)
Who do you think baby will look like?: I have no idea. I hope my dark hair and skin and DH's greenish/greyish eyes.
Will baby have any siblings?: OMG, yes. We want 3-4.
Have you and dad felt baby move?: Moves like crazy, especially at night, Dale is constantly amazed at how hard the baby kicks!

Did you have any cravings?: At first, I had major Taco Bell cravings! As well as, cravings for fried pickles with mustard, navajo tacos, and stuffed red bell peppers. Now I crave anything with coconut and of course, lasagna.

Did you have any mood swings?: Unfortunately! My DH thinks I have multiple personality disorder!

Are you a high risk pregnancy?: Nope, everything is perfect.
Any complications?: None so far. Keeping my fingers crossed to stay that way.
Formula or breastfeeding?: breastfeeding, in fact I have had several dreams where I was breastfeeding with ease.
Have you bought anything for baby yet?: I have knit 2 blankets, several hats, and we have a mountain of gifts in our living room.

When did you start to show?: Around 12 weeks.
How long could you wear your regular clothes?:I started wearing maternity jeans at 20 weeks but I am still wearing most of my shirts and dresses.

Are you excited?: Ecstatic!
Who will help with baby after their born?: Hubby and BUNCHES of family, I swear we are going to have over 20 relatives here!
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?: Having an excuse to rest and sleep all day and the awesome hair and nails!
What is the worst thing about being pregnant?: Feeling lazy and bloated. Most days I feel like the Goodyear blimp.
What’s one thing do you miss doing since being pregnant?: Margaritas on an especially stressful day.
Any days you wish you weren't pregnant?: Not days, just nights when I curse waking up 4 times to waddle across the house to go pee in sweltering 100 degree weather.
Are you ready for baby?: As ready as you can be.
Do you have insurance?: 100% maternity coverage!
How many kids do you want?: I would love 4! 2 girls and 2 boys.
Do you talk to your baby?: A little, my hubby talks to the baby more than I do! I sing to it in the car and the baby kicks back!
Do you still feel attractive?: Most days.
Have you had your baby shower yet?: We have had two!!

Do you like kids?: Absolutely! I used to teach pre-school but now I work in a high school...I love them at all ages.
How far along are you now?: 28 weeks
Did you have morning sickness?: None!
What kind of birth are you hoping for?: We would really like to have a natural childbirth. I have a lot of trust in my body and no that it will be hard but I will be focusing on breathing, meditation, and relaxation to manage my pain.

Cloth or Disposable: Cloth!!!


  1. Yay, you're back! I've missed your posts, it sounds like you have been a busy hostess! 28 weeks! Moving right along! This is a fun survey to keep updated, I'll have to remember it when we have baby #2.
