I mentioned a few weeks ago that in my decision to become a working mom, I sacrificed a lot at the sake of my family. I struggled to maintain my values as a "green"-organic-cloth diapering-cooking from scratch family. I found myself slowly changing our lifestyle because I simply didn't have time. Before I knew it we were buying disposables diapers, eating out more, and making more shortcuts that affected our family.
I didn't like the lifestyle we were living. Kannon got pneumonia and now Clark has it too. I can't help but wonder how those short-cuts, changes, and modifications impaired their tiny little bodies.
In a moment of desperation, I went to Whole Foods searching for supplemental vitamins. I found myself having an informative conversation with an employee and questioning all my choices. He told me the best way to stay healthy is "to eat organic, low-sugar, low dairy, good protein, avoid chemicals" blah, blah, blah and that "it will take a couple of weeks for your body to see new changes". Those were exactly the things I gave up when I was working. Sometimes, I am so angry with myself. Now, things are starting to change, go back to normal. Hopefully, the kids will all become stronger, healthier, happier now that we are back to our old routine.
That helpful employee pointed me in the direction of probiotics, Floridix (our doctor's recommendation for Kannon's anemia), and some B-6 complex for stress and energy. I like the idea that all this will help us recover from illness and support our immune system but man, its expensive! For those of you have more naturopathic roots, please be so kind to give me any advice you have!!!
In the meantime, we are back to our beginnings. I am so glad to be back to cooking healthy and organic food. I smile walking by our fridge knowing what's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Our white board is filled with a balanced menu plan. We are back to cloth diapers, using our homemade laundry detergent, being "green". We actually had time to walk the whole 2.8 miles around Green Lake as a family. The air is fresher and our bodies are slowly getting healthy. So cheers to health!
I am grateful that we can make it work while I stay at home and "lead" our household. It had me wondering about the rest of Americans who don't have that option, how do their families stay healthy and well-balanced in the midst of full-time jobs, extra-curriculars, etc?
It is soooo hard to cook whole food and work. Meal planning and cooking ahead or prep the night before, the crockpot is your best friend, and be kind to yourself as you find a new routine. We both work and this has been very hard for us too. Fast, good, wholesome meals are hard. Thankfully kids don't mind repeats of things they really love so find some favs and keep up the effort. Weather you stay home or not, pats on the back to all that create awareness for our kids no matter how small.