Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mama Vents....

Tuesdays are rough. On Tuesdays I wake up remembering that I still have four days left until the weekend, its not really a new week anymore, I am tired...blah, blah, blah. I hate Tuesday.

Last night, I slept, interrupted every two hours by insanely vivid dreams, a baby crying, and a husband who snores, coughs, and whines every 10 minutes.

Dear Husband,

You think you are stinky? You want to take a shower? I haven't showered in a week! And you forgot to mention that Kannon peed on my side of the bed last week.

This is your last night to sleep in? Forget it! You dont go to work until 1pm, I on the other hand have to be back at work at 8am, so good luck with that!

You dont want to get up to feed Kannon? Hah! I got up with him every night while we were in CA and you were sleeping peacefully in your big bed! Oh and did I forget to mention that I have been nursing Kannon every night since the day he was born! Your turn!

You have a headache? Your back hurts? Boo hoo, I had a back ache for 9 months and that headache I got when I before I found out I was pregnant last year....well, its still here!

(TMI) I am sorry our sex life is "not exciting". I just popped out a baby 4 months ago and I barely have time to shave my legs let alone feel attractive enough to get it on. Be happy with action you do see and if 3 times a week isnt exciting enough for you, I suggest you buy a magazine.

You want to trade me jobs? Try a whole 8-hours of Kannon to yourself. Remember what it feels like to pee, eat, drink, check emails, watch tv and kiss it good bye. Because somedays Kannon wants to be held for 8 hours. So forget free time. Its not that easy. I bet you wouldn't survive four hours.

You are upset because dinner wasn't ready. See above. You are lucky if I have had time to brush my teeth by the time you get home.

Alright, that may have been a bit cruel. Sometimes, the biggest baby is not the one wearing diapers, rather its the one sleeping next to you every night.

But seriously, I love you and Tuesdays wouldn't be the same without you. You make life interesting, more exciting, full of happiness, laughs, romance, and joy. But sometimes you also piss me off. Happy disgruntled Tuesday.

Your #1 fan,
Your best friend,
Your wife.


  1. LOL, and welcome to Motherhood! You have me rolling; so often I totally agree! :P

  2. Found your blog on the Baby Center October 09 board! I love finding other October 09 blogging moms!!! Check us out at growingongettysburg.blogspot.com

  3. Katherine oh my GOSH! Your blog popped onto my fb so thought I'd check in and seriously, you are amazing!!!! ha ha ha Ben and I are having a baby in August so I forwarded him this link and we both were DYING!!!! (I think it scared him a touch too... oh the things babies make you get used to eh?)

    CONGRATS on #2 by the way :) How exciting for you guys! Take care :)
