Monday, June 7, 2010

solid sundays:: big batches

We have a slew of visitors coming in over the next couple of weeks so I used my quiet Sunday as a chance to go big time with baby food.  I spent hours in the kitchen, steaming, roasting, pureeing and freezing batches of food.  4 hours later I filled my freezer with 128 ounces of pureed gourmet baby food--which will easily last over 2 weeks.

Kannon got his usual suspects and some new ones.  He tried parsnip, broccoli, and raspberries.  We also made some blueberry muffins to top off our day and our bellies were very full.  All in all, it was a day well spent and I am hoping Kannon continues to enjoy our food pairings!

This week I made::
Cinnamon Roasted Parsnips and Carrots
Steamed Broccoli and Zuchinni Medley
Steamed Mango, Raspberry Applesauce
Blueberry Banana Mash
Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Blueberry Baby Muffins

Cinnamon Roasted Parsnips and Carrots::
Peel, wash, and roast with a bit of olive oil in a 400 degree oven.  Puree and freeze.

I roasted these parsnips with carrots, cinnamon, and apples but pureed them separately.  Parsnip is a wonderful vegetable that will be making its appearance more frequent in our kitchen.  Kannon loves the taste and so do we!  Parsnips are a great addition to our favorite stand-bys, especially because it mixes so easily with some of hated veggies!

Steamed Broccoli and Zuchinni Medley::
Chop zucchini into small chunks. Chop into smaller florets, steam gently.  I froze some finger food size for Kannon and pureed the rest.

Kannon was not crazy about the broccoli on its own.  He enjoyed playing with the pieces but preferred them mixed with other veggies.  I am pretty sure Kannon has an aversion to green food....nothing green makes its way into his mouth willingly!

Steamed Mango, Raspberry Applesauce::
Gently steam mango and raspberries for a few minutes.  Puree with some applesauce. 

As expected, Kannon loves this dish.  I thought the raspberries might be too tart but he had no problem lapping them up.

Blueberry Banana Mash:: 
Puree thawed blueberries and bananas.  Freeze. 

I swore I would never go back to blueberries after our diapers, clothes, and fingers were stained for weeks on end.  But Kannon loves them and I had a hankering for blueberry muffins so I went for it. This time, I mixed them with bananas and have been adding them to our morning oatmeal so the staining is less severe.  Kannon loves them!

Blueberry Baby Muffins::
Use any favorite muffin recipe.  I quartered the muffins into handheld pieces and froze them for later consumption. 

Kannon loves finger foods, especially breads.  He loves Rye bread, pancakes, and cereal so I decided it was time to introduce muffins.  He has developed a new love affair for muffins....especially when they have lots of chunks of blueberries.

Finger Foods::
Broccoli Florets

Next Week Preview::

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