Friday, May 28, 2010

Mommy Moment #3

I meant for the "Mommy Moment" post to happen more frequently and offer a little a humor into our sometimes chaotic life.  Truth is, every moment is a mommy moment.  Some are a funnier than others (like when I fling poop across the room), others are sentimental, and others are just plain full of frustration.  These moments happen all day, every day and rarely do I have time to sit down and document. 

Today, however, is a real mommy moment.  Today, Kannon is 7 months old.  For the first time since Kannon was born, I looked at him not as a newborn, but as the little man is starting to become. 

Our day was easy.  We slept in, made pancakes, and laid on the living room floor.  We played outside and took a nap.  Kannon laughed, picked up blocks, and tried to crawl.  He was in charge, he made all the decision--like going for the red block instead of the blue.  He flirts, giggles, and knows how to get attention.  Kannon is a charmer. 

7 months ago, Kannon was just being born.  He was perfect, peaceful, content, and my heart grew bigger than ever.  He is still perfect and peaceful, but he is so much fun now!  I am not going to lie, I loved him as an infant and can't wait to share those days again with bean#2 but this age is so amazing!  Everyday is full of learning and everyday my heart grows bigger and bigger at the awesomeness that is motherhood. 

No poop in this mommy moment, just straight up love.  Happy 7 months.

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