Sunday, May 9, 2010

solid sundays:: stinky berries

I had every intention of introducing some more green vegetables into Kannon's diet this week.  That plan was crashed when everywhere I searched lacked those pretty green beans I was so desiring.  So I settled on a white head of cauliflower and some strawberries.

So this week, Kannon tried a little white and red.

Quarter the cauliflower and break it down to smaller florets.  Steam them for 15 minutes and let cool.  Puree in food processor.

Kannon warmed up to cauliflower after a few bites.  I added some cinnamon and he seemed much happier with the flavor.  However, Dale and I spent the rest of the day holding our noses because cauliflower baby farts STINK! 

To prevent stinky baby farts, we started combining flavors.  This week Kannon had cauliflower and carrots.  The stink was gone and hey, he likes carrots now!

I probably didn't have to cook these, but I thought letting them reduce for a few minutes might tone down the tart flavor.  It made them easier to puree and highlighted their sweetness.  I pureed them with bananas and froze in ice cube trays for little Kannon snacks.

I was very hesitant about introducing strawberries because most agree that berries should be introduced when babies are a little older.  This is because of the likelihood for food allergies and reactions.  Dale and I have no allergies.  Kannon has thus far been okay with all the foods we have given him and when I found Dale letting him suck on a frozen strawberry, I figured 'what the hell'.  Our timing couldn't have been better, strawberries have invaded our nearby grocery stores.  Big, juicy, and organic strawberries.  Kannon even flapped his arms with excitement when he saw the plump berries.

 Kannon loved the strawberry-banana combination. After 4 days of starting strawberries, he has had no reaction except sticky fingers and extra kissable lips.  Because of his developed love-affair with strawberries and bananas we will be keeping them on our menu.

Finger Foods::
Rye Bread
Soft Carrots

Kannon couldn't figure out how to grab the bananas because they were too slippery, but he was quite excited about the prospect.  He did however devour a piece of rye toast and roasted carrots today.  What a hungry boy!!!

Next Week Preview::

1 comment:

  1. im making my own baby food too. H didnt like the squash as i made a brown rice/squash/apple puree and he loves that.
