Monday, May 24, 2010

mama confesses:: addictions

I have so many addictions.  Addictions to chocolate, food, my camera, long walks, new places, my son, my husband, my computer....

My computer has always been a problem.  Ever since I got my first laptop as freshman college student, my computer found a way to distract me from term papers, studying, and life in general.  Now, my computer drags me into a world of baby gear, parenting philosophies, and fellow bloggers. 

Even without internet, I still find a way to sit idly at my desk tinkering with photoshop or organizing and re-organizing my external hard drive space.  Sometimes its just hard to turn off. 

In our old house, the internet consumed me.  Kannon would nap 3-4 hours at a time, Dale was at work, and I found myself hours later, with a sore butt, tired eyes, and a very dirty house. 

With this move, I decided to "unplug myself".  Naptimes are now spent vacuuming, cleaning, hanging out with my husband.  We go for walks, make dinner, play games.  I have reduced my computer usage to a mere 1 hour per day rule.  Trust me, the hour goes by quick but I unplug myself.  I savor my quiet time with Dale or sneak into Kannon's room to witness his sleeping position acrobatics or simply sit in my rocker and let Bean#2 kick away inside me.

I apologize for the hurried blogs, fewer pictures, less frequent updates, but I unplugged myself and it feels sooo good. 

1 comment:

  1. But now *I* don't have anyone to talk to online. O_o)
