The universe must have read my big dreams post because within days, my amazing husband landed the most incredible job offer in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Dale is the new north Idaho wine rep for New West Spirits. He will earn double what we currently make combined. He will pursue his passion, supported by wine lovers all around him. In less than 3 weeks we will move, leaving Montana behind in favor of a new state and a new adventure. There are not enough words to describe the feelings that pervade us.
Glee. Joy. Luck. Fate. Ecstatic. Nervous. Grateful.
For Dale, this past year has been a struggle. He gave up a job he loved, a city he will always remember, and followed my crazy butt to Montana. While Montana has taught him the way of life he wants to live--one full of adventure, leisure, outdoors, and simple living-- it failed to offer the appreciation and opportunity that Dale so desperately needs to thrive. After barely skipping along in the game of Life, Dale finally landed on Easy St and he is bringing us with him.
So our house is filled with boxes. Our life is turned upside down. Last week I was trying to sort laundry and this week I am house hunting, packing boxes, and hoping that we will make our May 3rd deadline.
Kannon loves the excitement. He loves the boxes more.
I miss the days when something as simple as a box could thrill me. Now, I smile and lovingly watch my son finger the corrugated edges, pulling the flaps up to hide from the world.
It is one big game of peekaboo.
We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. We will be sad to leave those behind. But there are never goodbyes, only hellos, and we are grateful to begin this new adventure--like we finally found our feet.
That sounds so exciting! Congratulations!
ReplyDeletecongrats! So exciting! Good luck with the move and the house hunting. Hooray for new beginnings!