Monday, April 19, 2010

mama confesses:: growing pains

Kannon is almost 6 months old.  He is getting more mobile, rolling over every chance he gets, and standing with the help of his new best friend--the coffee table.  This of course means new bumps, bruises, and boo boos.  Just the other day, I found myself walking to the freezer twice for some ice to cure Kannon's cries.  Of course, he cries for a minute but I find myself feeling sad the rest of day.  My little boy is growing up, learning to more independent and sometimes getting hurt in the process. 

Growing pains.

Life was so much easier when Kannon spent his time peacefully swaddled and sleeping.  No harm came his way.  Now, I have to watch out for edges, cords, snaps, buckles and my hardwood floors are now my sworn enemy.  I can't win em all and as careful as we are, we still find ourselves pulling out the ice cubes for little boo boos. 

I can't save my little boy from every little danger.  Down the road, there will be things I can't control.  Skinned knees on basketball courts.  Splinters from climbing trees.  Road rash from bicycle falls.  Beestings and broken hearts. 

Growing pains. 

Somedays I wish I could put Kannon back inside me, safe from all the world.  Most days, I am happy to see my son learning more about the world, growing up, independent and strong. 

Kannon is almost 6 months old.  That's half a year old.  But it is still less time then the time he spent growing inside me, safe and warm.  Perhaps, I will get used to these bumps and bruises soon but until then, I have growing pains with every little milestone and boo boo. 

Growing pains. 

***A little update:  Kannon is 17 lbs, 26 inches long.  He is perfect and finally started real food!  Today he ate peas and while he was unsure at first, he lapped them up with love after the first few bites.

1 comment:

  1. Oh How true they grow so fast. He'll be in kindergarten before ya know it.
