I am of course referring to Kannon, who now at 3 months old, is a completely different baby. Its like a light switch went off somewhere in that little brain. No longer is he sleeping 20 hours a day, rather he spends more time smiling, laughing, and flirting with his folks.
I knew that 3 months was going to be a big milestone. Everyone says, "thank god, that 4th trimester is over" because really the first 3 months are not that different from pregnancy...only instead of being inside my womb safe and sound, he is out in the world. Seriously, thank god those 3 months are over. They were amazing. I already miss Kannon's tiny feet, sleeping face, and eyes full of alarm every waking moment of the day. But now, I get smiles, laughs, and the sweet recognition of my face every single minute of the day. I am in love.
Kannon will be 13 weeks tomorrow. I learn more about him everyday as I discover his world and he discovers mine. So far:
1.) Kannon sings the blues. Yes, the blues! We have a mixed CD for him that a friend made and he goes crazy, bouncing his feet and squawking whenever Muddy Waters comes on. It is the most adorable thing....who knew babies had a taste for music!
2.) Kannon hates tummy time. I have known this for quite a while and have tried my best to overcome the terrible tummy times but we never last more than a few minutes before breakdown. I thought I could kiss rolling over good bye. Then last week, I placed Kannon in his crib on his back only to hear screaming two seconds later. I raced in to find Kannon on his stomach. He rolled over and I missed it!!! He hasn't done it since, but I still have hope.
3.) Kannon has discovered he can reach and grasp objects. He has taken to grabbing earrings, my knitting, yarn, toys, my nosering, whatever he can find. Yesterday I found him on his activity mat with both his hands caught in his toy rings....he practically handcuffed himself to his mat.
4.) Naps are no longer executed with ease. Kannon used to go down for a nap like a champ, but now it takes putting him in a carseat and leaving the house in order to get a little shut eye.
5.) Kannon loves to sit up. He can't pull himself up yet but if sit him up in your lap or in his boppy, he will sit like that for 30 minutes or so. It is his new favorite position.
6.) Who said white guys don't jump? Kannon loves to jump. He has discovered his doorway bouncer and thrills himself jumping around. Adorable.
7.) Peekaboo! This has become our new favorite game. Every diaper change we play a little round of peekaboo that sends Kannon into laughing hysteria....although they don't really sound like laughs yet, more like donkey snorts but you get the idea.
8.) Kannon loves Dale, but lately, at Dale's nighttime feeding, instead of being greeted with smiles, he is greeted with frowns...its as if Kannon is thinking "what, no boobies this time? Whah!"
9.) Kannon loves naked time. He stands stronger, sits up better, smiles and laughs more the second those clothes come off. Lets hope he didn't get my genes and avoids his future as a streaker.
10.) Forget coffee when you can wake up to this smiling creature. Dale has been pulling Kannon into bed with us in the morning and I wake up to pretty blue eyes, long black eyelashes and a smile complete with dimples.
11.) Kannon got his first haircut when I snipped his rat tail. There was 2 inches of hair growing freely below his baby bald spot and I had to say goodbye. Now its resting peacefully under some tape in his baby book instead of haunting my dreams.
12.) Kannon had his first play date. Our friend's 6 month old, Silas, came over and Kannon loved this kid! He smiled at Silas, trying to grab his nose. Silas wasn't too fond of the affection as he acted more confused than pleased. Anyhow, I suspect that they will be spending more time together in the near future.
Dale and I went on our first date since Kannon was born and we are looking forward to many more now that we know what Kannon's schedule is like.
We have a great routine and look forward to those 6:30 bath times and 7:00 bedtimes when I finally get a break. But I will admit, even after Kannon is asleep I have a temptation to sneak in and look at him because I already miss him and the long night's sleep between us.
Life is great. We have gotten into our groove and forgotten what 8 hours of sleep used to feel like. We love taking our little man out into the world to show off. And we are excited to take Kannon on some of his first few trips! We are headed to Bozeman on Thursday for my 24th b-day (hopefully Dale wont give me the same thing I got last year!) and then we are headed to California February 10-17th to spend time with Gigi, Nana, Papa, Uncle Sam and the rest of the family.
I hope to report more in the coming weeks but I am busy with my
Etsy stuff and am hurrying like mad to fulfill these orders! So pardon my absence!