Saturday, January 16, 2010

"No-No Pie" Dog Treats

There are days when everything in our world is turned upside down and backwards. Days when I can't even stop to take a sip of water. Days when there are dishes in the sink piled a mile high. Days when I don't (ashamedly) remember to change my underwear.

Days when Kannon wont take naps, eats every hour, and poops in the last clean pair of pants. I hate these days. Sadly, I also love these days. These are days when food taste like a gift from the Gods and crawling into bed (even for only 2 hours sleep) is a personal sanctuary.

These days are becoming more frequent now that I have gone back to work and Kannon is getting bigger---refusing his naps and demanding 100% of my attention. It is hard. I have learned how to type one-handed, balancing a baby on my knee and the keyboard on the desk. I have learned how to bake while wearing Kannon in a homemade ring-sling--although its not perfect, he usually ends up flour covered. I have learned to do a lot of things. Before baby I didn't know what a bumbo or bumgenius was but now I finding these words to be common place in our house.

These days, I sometimes forget my dog. I also forget the freshly baked pecan pie that I left sitting on the counter. Sadly, these days, I come home to find one happy dog and no pecan pie and shout "No, No, Pie!!!"

So in honor of every bad, crazy day, I have decided to make some "no, no pie" dog treats--so I can at least make one person happy with some yummy treats instead of sacrificing my beautifully baked goods to our canine friend, Emma.

But seriously, these treats are easy to make and will satisfy every ignored canine suffering from "new baby in the house" syndrome...or just satisfy any canine with a sweet tooth.

"No-No Pie" Dog Treats

2 cups whole wheat flour
1/4 cup cornmeal
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 cup peanut butter (Emma prefers crunchy peanut butter)
1 cup milk

1.) Preheat the oven to 370 degrees.

2.) Mix the dry ingredients

3.) Add peanut butter until the mixture resembles coarse bread crumbs.

4.) Add milk and beat/knead until well incorporated.

5.) Roll out and use a cookie cutter or shot glass to cut your shapes.

6.) Bake for 20 minutes. Let cool completely before treating your dog.

Yields approximately 40 dog treats.

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