Creating a home "classroom" is a slow and ever-changing process. When I was teaching, I was always making changes based on my observations of kids in their environment. Some days, plants would change shelves, other days I moved big furniture around. It's all about adaptation. So in my "classroom" at home, it is only natural I do the same thing based on how I see my own kids using the environment and because of the small space they get bored or frustrated easily. The last few weeks I have focused on my vision and really making my living room kid-friendly by adding small shelves, baskets, and natural items. (Read about it here....) This week I focused on the actual shelves and how the kids responded to their prepared environment.
Foam & Picks
The kids loved this activity immediately.
Kannon screamed "I did it, I did it" after he pulled the last pick out.
He was so proud, as was I.
Clark loved this as well and spent a good thirty minutes with it.
He even got mad when I tried to participate.
The puff ball pusher.
I don't know where my kids learned to use their teeth to open things.
Kannon counted, sorted, and was very picky about which holes the colors went in.
Again, with the teeth!!! Brothers learn so much from each other.
Clark loved this activity as well, especially opening and closing the lid.
Kannon practiced lacing. He did a pretty good job too.
It was way past bedtime but Kannon demanded his "object bag".
He was very meticulous about putting all the objects out.
He did a little clap for himself after he found the last object.
There is so much to say about teaching your kids I can't express it all. My favorite thing of all, learning how to teach them has made me a better and more involved mom. Instead of just handing them a plastic truck I can engage with them on a deeper level and share proud moments when they accomplish something. I encourage all parents to research and plan just a few simple activities that encourage the same. Also, in the same tune with my organic, waste-free, no plastic lifestyle I vented with yesterday, almost all of these activities are recycled, free, and mostly plastic free.
And we still have lots of PLAY in between.......
Our poor dog....
I love these boys...
Yes, a sink bath sounds mighty fine.
I love the photo of the boys at the banister. They look like good buddies :)