Friday, May 4, 2012

Clark:: 18 month update

 My little boy is 18 months old.  He will be 2 in October and it is quickly dawning on me that he is not a baby anymore.  This little guy has more determination and spunk than any other toddler I know.  I find myself negotiating with him over minor "issues" ie bedtime, milk, playing.

While him and big brother, Kannon, are best of friends they have totally different personalities!!  Clark is stubborn, strong-willed, demands to get his way.  He has a temper and likes to bang his head on floor.  He demands milk and cuddles first thing in the morning and loves to read books.  Clark is clumsy, runs into door jams, trips over air, but he laughs it off.  He loves to draw, fingerpaint, and sneaks away to color on walls.

In short: he is devious, sweet, and creative. Oh, enough with the details, here are the pictures.  So much cuteness!


  1. I love keeping up with you all on here! Can't wait to see the boys soon :) Gorgeous family.

  2. Oh my gosh, what a handsome little guy! Love these fun pics, especially the last one! What a character! :D
