Thursday, October 21, 2010

...and we are off!

I can't keep Kannon still!!!!  

One minute he is crawling up the stairs, the next he is walking across the kitchen!

He is already such a big boy!  

He eats pears....whole, with the skin on.  
 He waves bye and talks with a mouthful.

He loves pushing little brother Clark across the house.

They just grow up so fast!!!!
and this little guy keeps growing too....


  1. LOVING the adorable video of Clark getting a ride! Kannon sure has good timing with his walking, right after Clark is born! He knows how to keep Mommy busy :) So is Clark resembling you more? You've got to have a mini-you, Kannon looks exactly like his Daddy!!!

  2. oh I am very proud of that little walker and the littler eater...
