my kitchen helpers :)
Kannon is my baby. My first. I cry thinking about how quickly he is growing up. I am overjoyed at the little man he has become. And I laugh when I look at Clark realizing how much parenting style has changed. I am no supermom but I try. My kids are happy, healthy, and sleeping soundly, as to how they got there.....whew. After Dale goes to work and I am on my own, it is chaos.
I am breaking all the rules.
Kannon sometimes get dessert before dinner.
I leave the house without hats and blankets.
We co-sleep--with Clark in between us (something I was too afraid to even try with Kannon!)
We have long overdue diaper changes. It is hard to keep track when there are two kids in diapers!
I gave Kannon my undivided attention for 11 months. Now I find myself having to leave both kids unsettled, crying, at one point or another, because I am trying to juggle Kannon's bedtime routine and nursing Clark at the same time.
We refused to give Kannon pacifiers but Clark is addicted to the pacifier--something that we have given him from day one because we were busy dealing with a Kannon-tantrum.
Baby Einstein has become my best friend. I swore I would never let Kannon watch t.v. and now I find myself plopping the kid in front of the t.v. so I can nurse Clark and keep Kannon occupied.
When Kannon was born I stayed indoors until he was 2 weeks old. I was afraid of germs, people, the cold, etc. Now, Clark has been all over creation. He toured a college campus, enjoyed a fancy restaurant, visited the park, the gym, and even a consignment store. He is only 10-days old! Whew!
I used to be an over-attentive mother, answering every little cry and whimper in an instant. Now I put a pillow over my head when I hear not one but two little cries alerting me to the morning hour.
My house used to be clean. Everything in its place. Dishes, laundry, and food all prepared. Lately, those things have gone wayside...much like my shower, my breakfast, and even my hairbrush.
We may be breaking the rules. Our parenting styles have definitely changed. We have learned how to merge our desires and dreams with practicality. Yes, I should change that diaper....but who is judging?
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