Wednesday, August 4, 2010

mama vents:: bad about blogging

I used to be so much better about blogging.  When I had time, an office job, and something to write about I had no problem scribbling (er...typing) out my personal feelings and updates. 

Then, along came baby, baby #2, moving, and the feeling that there is nothing special to share.  Yes, Kannon is growing like a weed, taking small steps, and saying "dada, mama, and baba".  Yes, baby#2 is kicking away ( we finally have a name but we are not sharing!!!).  Yes, our lives are completely crazy, chaotic, and out of any sort meaningful order. But we love it. 

I haven't been blogging because I haven't really had anything positive to say.  Despite all the wonderful things going on in our life, it is hard to be happy when we are constantly worried about how to pay the bills.  We took this job, moved to Idaho, and put everything we had at risk.  We crunched the numbers, checked up on the company, did the math, and moved.  Here is the vent:  We were mislead, screwed over, and struck with badluck and have somehow miraculously managed to survive on $700 month.  Ouch.

It has been hard to blog, when those numbers and stress have been eating at every piece of my body for the last 90 days.  I am hoping that things will get under control soon but it might mean another possible move. 

In any case, Dale and I are still learning how to be parents, raising a family and hoping that you make the best decisions for everyone.  In the meantime, I try not to stress too hard about the future and focus on the present hoping that this dark cloud will someday lift. 

1 comment:

  1. :( I'm so sorry to hear you guys have a dark cloud over you right now!! I'm hoping and praying it lifts soon, too. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
