Every first-time mother finds herself question all those bubbles, flutters, and thumps. We simply have no idea what a baby kick actually feels like. Of course the problem with this self-doubt is that you begin to panic, suffer through a bit of paranoia, until your husband finally tells you to quit worrying....even then you lay awake worried that maybe your baby is not okay. All those sleepless nights for nothing, usually, after a few days of worrying, it becomes quite clear that those bumps, bubbles, and flutters are not the usual gas kind, but baby!
Everyone has been bugging me: "Have you felt it yet?" "Is it kicking yet?" and all the baby books say its time but I have been patiently waiting to feel those kicks. I even took to some of the less conventional methods and shined a flashlight over my belly and drank a gallon of ice tea hoping to get some movement...and nothing.
Finally, I was sitting in my office and all of sudden, POP! It was not gas, unless for some reason my intestines moved into my uterus. A few minutes later, POP! I felt it again and it was definitely baby!
I was driving the other night, listening to the oldies station, singing at the top of my lungs, James Taylor "how sweet it is to be loved by you" and the baby was kicking like crazy! It must have liked the music! A few minutes later another song, "Secret Agent Man", got the baby kicking again.
All this movement brings tears to my eyes as it finally dawns on me that (again) there is a baby growing inside me. I cant deny that this movement also freaks me out as, there is something behind me, something that I control, something alien moving inside me, waiting for its chance to just pop out! Weird.
We have another appointment on Thursday and hopefully we will have an opportunity to find out the sex. Until then, I am going to laze around happily feeling this little kicker.
Congrats on feeling baby! Hopefully she/he will cooperate on Thursday and you can start shopping pink or blue! I first felt Ryder "for sure" at 16 weeks. That is a feeling that is almost like an electric shock, you never forget that first real kick!