80% sure its a GIRL!
We went in to our 20-week Dr's appointment today and everything checked out normally. I have only gained 12-pounds, the baby's heartbeat strong, and my uterus is now right underneath my belly button! I also found out today that I have A- blood which is fine but of course will be treated with Rhogram, in the event that the baby is +. Other than that, no concerns.
We werent planning on finding out the sex today, but since we are headed out of the town the Dr gave us a sneak peak. The baby was moving a bunch and the umbillical cord was in the way, nonetheless, the Dr is about 80% sure its a girl. We will get our official ultrasound on Wednesday before we head of to California for a week, so until then, we are thinking pink!
At the beginning of my pregnancy I was 100% sure it was going to be a boy, and then as I started feeling the baby kick, I started to change my mind. Dale and I both all of a sudden had strong 'girl' vibes. All the old wives tales were split between boy/girl, even the cabbage gender test had mixed results. Even though most of the time, I was thinking boy, I could never bring myself to seriously consider any boys names. Perhaps this is just every mothers secret desire to have a girl, or perhaps it was my intuition kicking in. Either way, we woud have been thrilled. I cant lie, I think I am in shock. I am preparing to have our ultrasound next week and find that its a boy. 80% is only 80%, boys will be boys and who knows where they hide their family jewels! Keep thinking Pink!
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