Sunday, May 17, 2009

I peed my pants!!!!

I love being pregnant. I love waking up every morning and staring at my growing belly...even those bastard stretch marks are starting to grow on me (literally). It has been an adjustment though. My clothes no longer fit, my shirts are all too short and my belly shows. My pants haven't been buttoned since March but now they are barely able to make it over my hips, so I have started wearing skirts and dresses but even that wont last long. Sleeping a straight hours is impossible as I wake up to pee at 2, 5, and 7 am. It is all a joy. However, the one thing I cant forgive is a weak bladder.

Last week Dale and I were hiking with the dog. She was sniffing gopher holes a hundred yards away as we walked up the trail. We called her name and she looked up and booked it up the trail...the wrong way! Maybe she has poor eye site maybe she forgot where we were, whatever it was we just watched her book it around the corner. All of sudden she stops, turns around, sees us and comes running towards us with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. What a dummy!!! I laughed so hard I peed my pants. I am 23 years old and I peed my pants. Thanks baby. Happy belated mother's day.

Dale laughed so hard. He sat there grinning at the edge of trail making fun of my potty dance. He jokingly suggested we carry extra undies or get Depends.

What's worse, is that we were in the kitchen talking when all of a sudden I sneezed. Tinkle, tinkle. I couldn't hide that one as I was already parading around in my underwear. Now every time we leave the house Dale asks if I packed my spare undies.

This has me further convinced that we are having a boy. Certainly, no lady of mine would ever let it just fly out anywhere. We already know boys pee when you least expect it, anywhere and everywhere, even on the video camera (thanks Sam!).

We had no luck finding out the sex yet. This last appointment was full of blood tests, screening for genetic disorders and gestational diabetes. We are not worried but will nonetheless get the results in a few weeks. We have an appointment June 11 and hopefully then our baby will reveal itself. Until then, I guess I will be anxiously wandering around town with spare undies in my purse.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I know, totally NOT funny, but the way that you narrated the post made me giggle. I can totally sympathize with you, it never actually *happened* to me, but there were many close calls. I guess I don't have to tell you it will most likely get worse before it gets better as the baby gets bigger and presses more and more on your poor bladder. I still say boy, too, I actually had a dream I saw you in Bozo and you told me it was a boy. Hang in there sweetie, enjoy every moment, it goes by toooo fast! =)
