Wednesday, June 24, 2015

41 Weeks.....oh, my.

My fortune at lunch yesterday. 
We continue to be patient........COME OUT QUINN!
I was really hoping to not make this update.  I guess Quinn has other plans because clearly he did not get the due date reminder.  I keep trying to remind myself that babies that stay in past 41 weeks are usually smarter because of all the extra time they get for brain development but in reality, I am miserable and emotional and beginning to think I will be pregnant forever.  I've been cleaning the house daily, planning meals, grocery shopping, taking extra long walks around places like the mall, Ikea, Target, Costco, etc.  Quinn is apparently quite cozy.  
Words never to say to an overdue mom.  "Is the baby here yet?" (daily texts)  "How dilated are you?" (asked to me by a Costco employee) "Is that safe?" "Are there 1 or 2 in there?"  or perhaps silence and just let the person's gaping mouth speak for itself (yes, it happened, yesterday when I got out of my seat at a restaurant and the server realized I was pregnant.)
Anywho, the boys and I are continuing to eat away at our summer break.  At this rate, I will only have 6 weeks home with Quinn before I have to go back to, I've been trying to plan for 2nd grade next year while we wait.  
Father's Day was wonderful! I planned a surprise water balloon fight for the boys and Dale.  It was a big hit! We spent the day relaxing, making nachos, watching movies, and a trip the park.  Dale felt very spoiled with a Retrobit Nintendo System to play some of his old nintendo games and a copy of The Martian. 
Baby is still doing great.  We have a biophysical profile on Thursday just to make sure everything continues to be fine for baby.  The good news is, he has to get here by July 1 (YES! JULY!) otherwise he will be forced out via some form of induction at 42 weeks.  
Modeling his new clothes for California
Father's Day water balloon fight!
Week: 41 weeks
Estimated baby size: a jackfruit
Total Weight Gain: +25 pounds 
THIRSTY. Hip pain, restless nights, LOTS OF MOVEMENT, emotional ups and downs,lots of practice contractions!!! Waking up everyday at 1am...must be baby's playtime!
CravingsWater!! I'm so thirsty! Chicken! Chocolate
What is baby doing? Amniotic sac: There's less amniotic fluid around your baby now.
Skin: By now, your baby's skin has probably started to peel a bit as a result of his long bath in the amniotic fluid.

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