Wednesday, June 24, 2015

41 Weeks.....oh, my.

My fortune at lunch yesterday. 
We continue to be patient........COME OUT QUINN!
I was really hoping to not make this update.  I guess Quinn has other plans because clearly he did not get the due date reminder.  I keep trying to remind myself that babies that stay in past 41 weeks are usually smarter because of all the extra time they get for brain development but in reality, I am miserable and emotional and beginning to think I will be pregnant forever.  I've been cleaning the house daily, planning meals, grocery shopping, taking extra long walks around places like the mall, Ikea, Target, Costco, etc.  Quinn is apparently quite cozy.  
Words never to say to an overdue mom.  "Is the baby here yet?" (daily texts)  "How dilated are you?" (asked to me by a Costco employee) "Is that safe?" "Are there 1 or 2 in there?"  or perhaps silence and just let the person's gaping mouth speak for itself (yes, it happened, yesterday when I got out of my seat at a restaurant and the server realized I was pregnant.)
Anywho, the boys and I are continuing to eat away at our summer break.  At this rate, I will only have 6 weeks home with Quinn before I have to go back to, I've been trying to plan for 2nd grade next year while we wait.  
Father's Day was wonderful! I planned a surprise water balloon fight for the boys and Dale.  It was a big hit! We spent the day relaxing, making nachos, watching movies, and a trip the park.  Dale felt very spoiled with a Retrobit Nintendo System to play some of his old nintendo games and a copy of The Martian. 
Baby is still doing great.  We have a biophysical profile on Thursday just to make sure everything continues to be fine for baby.  The good news is, he has to get here by July 1 (YES! JULY!) otherwise he will be forced out via some form of induction at 42 weeks.  
Modeling his new clothes for California
Father's Day water balloon fight!
Week: 41 weeks
Estimated baby size: a jackfruit
Total Weight Gain: +25 pounds 
THIRSTY. Hip pain, restless nights, LOTS OF MOVEMENT, emotional ups and downs,lots of practice contractions!!! Waking up everyday at 1am...must be baby's playtime!
CravingsWater!! I'm so thirsty! Chicken! Chocolate
What is baby doing? Amniotic sac: There's less amniotic fluid around your baby now.
Skin: By now, your baby's skin has probably started to peel a bit as a result of his long bath in the amniotic fluid.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

40 weeks!

Its hard to keep them still long enough for a picture! Having fun at the Children's Museum!
This week has been so LONG!  I've done everything I can to keep the boys entertained without exhausting myself in the process. I have been SOOOO tired! This little guy decides to wake me up by kicking my bladder at 1am and won't let me sleep until 4am (much like big brother Clark used to do!).  Luckily we have also had lots of rainy days so we have been able to get cozy at the house or head to our favorite places like the zoo and Children's Museum.  
We were expected Tropical Storm Bill to leave us with the same flooding we experienced over Memorial Day.  Dale and I were much more prepared this time with water, food, batteries, and flashlights.  I told my little guy he had to stay in until after the storm, just to be safe.  In the end, we ended up with only a few gray clouds and scattered rainstorms.  
We walked around Costco today and I am bouncing away on a yoga ball as I type, hopefully this will be the last update!  
I've made a blanket for each baby, this is Quinn's.  I love how it turned out!!

Week: 40 weeks
Estimated baby size: a pumpkin
Total Weight Gain: +25 pounds 
THIRSTY. Hip pain, restless nights, LOTS OF MOVEMENT, emotional ups and downs,lots of practice contractions!!! Waking up everyday at 1am...must be baby's playtime!
CravingsWater!! I'm so thirsty! Chicken! Chocolate
What is baby doing? Hair: Your baby's hair and nails continue to get longer with every passing day.
Skull: The skull bones are separated so that they can compress enough to fit through the birth canal during labor. Your baby will have soft spots on her head for the first year or more after birth.
40 Weeks w/ Quinn!
40 weeks w/Kannon
10 weeks pregnant w/Quinn, I can't wait to get my body back!!!

Monday, June 15, 2015

39 Weeks

Kannon is getting flood-ready! 

I honestly never thought I would make it this far! With all the bouts of false labor I've been having, we thought this little guy would be here by now!  June 6,8, 12 left me with painful contractions 5-7 minutes apart for hours but would go away after a few hours.  So frustrating!!!  But, baby is still cooking away and with an impending tropical storm on its way, I guess its better he cooks just a few more days!  

We spent the week, swimming, walking, and taking a few trips to the zoo and the Children's Museum.  With temperatures in the 90s I have been trying to stay indoors as much as possible!!!  We are all getting anxious for baby to get here but trying to stay busy! I did stop by my new school and check out my classroom! I am so excited for next year and already spending a lot of time on pinterest planning out some ideas!

My new classroom!! Eek!

Midwife says baby is about 8-81/2 pounds already (we will see) and he can come at any time! Hopefully, he gets the memo!

Week: 39 weeks 5 days
Estimated baby size: a watermelon
Total Weight Gain: +25 pounds 
THIRSTY. Hip pain, restless nights, LOTS OF MOVEMENT, emotional ups and downs,lots of practice contractions!!!
CravingsWater!! I'm so thirsty! Chicken! Chocolate
What is baby doing? Fat: Your baby is still putting on layers of fat to help control his body temperature after birth.
Skin: Your baby's outer skin cells are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

And you know, you are close to your due date when pool toys become napping aids. :)

Monday, June 8, 2015

38 Weeks

This week we played! I know that once baby #3 arrives our trips out of the house will be somewhat limited for a while.  That being said, the boys and I spent every day doing something fun--the zoo, the pool, splash parks. Kannon loves the water and Clark finally found the courage to jump in and swim!  We have had so much fun swimming! 
I had a midwife appointment and ultrasound on Thursday.  Baby is head down!!! He also has LOTS of hair--you could see it flowing in the ultrasound! Midwife thinks he will be around 8 pounds, but that was also said about Clark who ended up being 6 lbs 15 ounces.  So we will see! Over the weekend, I had lots of timeable contractions, about 7-10 minutes apart and lasting a minute.  Midwife said it could be the start of early labor and to not be surprised if we see a baby sometime this week!

Week: 38 weeks 5 days
Estimated baby size: leek
Total Weight Gain: +25 pounds 
THIRSTY. Hip pain, restless nights, LOTS OF MOVEMENT, emotional ups and downs,lots of practice contractions!!!
Cravings: Water!! I'm so thirsty! Chicken!
What is baby doing? Eyes: If your baby is born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with dark gray or blue eyes, they may stay that color or turn brown, green, or hazel during her first year.
Hand: Your baby has a firm grasp now.

Monday, June 1, 2015

37 Weeks

This week was INSANE! I went to bed Monday night thinking the storms were breaking up only to listen to tornado and flood warnings going off all night.  I woke up at 3 am to see our street completely flooded, half way up our driveway, as 11 inches of rain had fallen.  Fortunately, our house and cars were dry but most of neighborhood can't say the same.  We experienced some extreme flooding as Bray's Bayou topped its banks turning streets into rivers and ponds.    We were supposed to take my cousin, Sarah, to the airport but we instead spent the day watching the news and drinking coffee.  It definitely gave us a lesson on storm preparedness.  We have since gotten better prepared after last week's lesson--it doesn't take a hurricane to flood Houston!  To see more:
My last day of school was Friday.  The kids were done on Thursday and we spent the day making memory books and cleaning out the classroom.  Friday, I turned in my keys and said goodbye to two years of teaching at Wesley.  It was bittersweet but I am excited to be moving on to our neighborhood school.  No more commute.  No more waking up at 5am. No more spending $150 a month on gas.  So excited.

I also had my midwife appointment on Thursday.  Baby is crookedly head down and I am still trying all sorts of exercises, chiropractor, and swimming to bring this baby down.  We spent all weekend at our community pool in sunshine and 90 degree weather--a marked change from this week's earlier weather.  
Saturday was Clark's dance first dance recital.  It was a packed house and we all waited to see Clark lead the ladies out on stage but instead saw him crying in the corner!  He was nervous and afraid of the big crowd!  Poor guy :(  Nonetheless, he looked adorable. 

Week: 37 weeks 5 days
Estimated baby size: swiss chard
Total Weight Gain: +25 pounds 
THIRSTY. Hip pain, restless nights, LOTS OF MOVEMENT, emotional ups and downs,TIRED!!!
Cravings: Water!! I'm so thirsty! Chicken!
What is baby doing? Hair: Your baby may have a full head of hair by now, with locks up to 1 1/2 inches long. Of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz at birth.
Skin: Your baby is shedding most of her downy body hair as well as some of the vernix caseosa, the creamy substance that protects her skin