Baby was upside down and looked like it was giggling the whole time! Very active!!!
1.) Chinese Calendar Gender Predictor- Girl
This test is based on the age of mother and month of conception.
2.) Red Cabbage Test- Neither
Boil red cabbage for ten minutes and then add first-morning urine to the cabbage water. If the pee turns bluish/purple, its a girl. If it turns redish/pinkish, its a boy. I did this test five times, changing the temperature of the cabbage water each time. When it was hot, it was boy. When it was warm, it was boy. When it was cold, it was girl. Who knows?
3.) Cravings- Girl
If you crave salty/spicy foods - you're having a boy. If you crave sweet foods - you're having a girl. I craved ho-hos and ice cream the first few weeks of my pregnancy, now I am craving cuties (those yummy little oranges).
4.) Where do you carry your weight?- Girl
If you carry your weight around the middle - girl.
If you carry your weight in front (you can't tell you're pg from behind) - boy.
5.) Heart Rate- Girl
The theory states that if your baby's heart rate was 140 beats per minute and above, you would be having a girl. If the heart rate was under 140 beats per minute, then you would be having a boy. Our heart rate was 154.
6.) Husband Weight Gain- Boy
Another old wives' tale uses your husband's weight gain to predict your baby's gender. If your husband gains weight, you will be having a girl. If he doesn't gain weight, you'll be having a boy.
7.) Hungry?- Girl
Some women pregnant with boys eat like a teenage boy. If you are starving all the time, its a boy. If your appetite is unchanged, its a girl.
8.) Morning Sickness- Girl
Its thought that women pregnant with girls have more morning sickness because of all the extra hormones. If you are sick as a dog, its a girl. If you are lucky and had none, its a boy!
9.) Hair and nails? -Boy
Midwives believed if your hair and nails are growing fast and looking great, its a boy. If your hair is stringy and nails slow to grow, its a girl.
10.) Dreams-Boy
If you dream of labor & delivery and the doctor says, its a ____. Then it will be whatever you dreamed.
11.) Drano Prediction-????
I haven't done this yet, but lots of women swear by it. Simply add urine to 2tbls of Crystal Drano. If the mixture darkens to a brownish color within the first 10 seconds - It is a boy.If there is no darkening or color change after 10 - 15 seconds - It is a girl.
12.) Ramzi Theory-Boy
Supposedly if you look at which side the placenta is on, left is a girl, right is boy. We couldn't tell. I compared ultrasound pictures to those with Kannon and Clark and the placenta looks like its in the same place. Also, the doctor at my 13 weeks ultrasound said the placenta was on right.
I vote girl! Sugar, spice, and everything nice. So excited to see… xo