Dear Seattle,
Since 2004, I have loved you. I loved your misty mornings, gray winters, and even rainy camping in July. I loved finding coffee on every street corner and knowing all the bus routes to downtown. I became an adult in this city. I shared awesome college experiences (some of which even I don't remember). I loved going to festivals, farmer's markets, and catching the ferry just for fun. I loved getting lost in Queen Anne and suddenly finding myself in Ballard. I went crazy for your Indian cuisine and delicious breweries. You introduced me to my best friend and set me up on many awesome dates. Finally, I met my husband here and tried to start a life together in this city.
Then, Seattle, you and me, we broke up the first time. We headed off to the bigger skies of Montana and quickly realized our mistake. No amount of land and blue skies could keep us away from 24 hour grocery stores, pho, and lavender lattes. So we reunited, this time, with a few kids in the package.
My kids loved exploring your museums and parks. We loved the rainy days at the zoo and runs around Green Lake. We loved eating Ube ice cream from Full Tilt and pizza at Hale's. The boys loved running around Golden Gardens, throwing the sand over their heads and squealing when a train went by. Then, something changed. A little resentment towards family? A little attitude towards kids? I mean, this city has more dogs than children. I guess I should have seen the red flags.
Seattle, you were great to me. But you weren't so great to my kids. Last month, at a family establishment, I was told I should take my kids to Chuck-E-Cheese. Last week, my kids saw a man peeing on a bus stop and tried to replicate. Today, I had to dash between cigarette smokers and clouds of marijuana smoke during a parade. I'm over it. Our house is too small, but its all we can afford. We don't have a yard and most days its too rainy to play outside. I sat in traffic for 3 hours today and I only drove 9 miles. I have lived here 9 years and I still don't have any friends with kids. People are rude, especially in the morning. Food is expensive and I am tired of people rolling their eyes at me when I opt for the non-organic bananas instead of the overpriced organic ones and lecture me on the value of organic. I know, but I'm broke from paying ridiculous rent, $4.40/gallon gas, parking fees, and can't afford to eat everything organic, I have to make choices, please don't lecture me. So, it is time. It is time to break-up. I think this time, it might be real.
I have another lover. His name is Houston. He has offered me an awesome job, with great pay, working with great people. He is generous with his affordable housing--most of which have backyards and two car garages for less than we pay now. We could actually buy a house. We met last week and I fell in love. So much diversity, culture, and class. Sure, Houston is a little rough around some edges but it keeps the mystery alive. And oh, I swoon every time I think of all the friendly people I met--and they all loved the kids. Texans are friendly, you knew that right? The kids loved the sunshine and endless hours of play outside. We caught lizards, saw parrots, and lightning bugs. I found pho restaurants, museums, and parks. The Mexican food is undeniably delicious. Houston also showed me a great zoo with unlimited parking. We found year-round ice skating, over 40 institutions of higher education, and googled 11,000 restaurants. I bought non-organic bananas and fair-trade coffee and no one blinked an eye, except to ask if I remembered to grind my beans. Lastly, Houston has a basketball team (sorry Seattle, that's still a sore subject, I know.) Did I mention, my mom, aunt, and uncle are there too? It is pretty hard to compete with Seattle. I don't expect Houston to be perfect, it's not the most beautiful city but it offers warm hearts, open lands, and fields of opportunity.
Thank you for everything. We are leaving next month. I am going to miss you Seattle. I hope that we can still be friends, maybe I will visit on holidays and long weekends? I'll keep in touch, I promise.
Hope you enjoy Houston as much as you expect! The Randolph s in Nikiski
ReplyDeleteI hope you find peace and happiness in Houston, Kat. No one should have to endure what you have gone through this year. My warmest wishes are with you and your boys.
ReplyDelete-Your former neighbor