Why not? It makes us feel good. It is a responsible decision. We value the decision we make for ourselves, our family, and our earth. But there is always more we can do.
This year, I decided to get a little crunchier. Now that we are back in Seattle there are so many ways we can continue to change our lifestyle in favor of Mother Earth. Fortunately, a lot of these changes are easy, more convenient, and cheaper!
1.) Walk more, drive less. It is a pain to get the kids loaded up, unloaded, loaded again, and unloaded just to go to the grocery store. Seriously, it is 2 blocks away. We have been making walks to Trader Joe's. I get my exercise, my car gets a break, and both boys get some fresh air.
2.) Dryer Racks. Not only have dryer racks been a part of my photography set-up, they hold my diapers too. I have always line dried my diapers but now I am starting to do the same with towels and clothes. It is cheaper and no one cares if clothes go unfolded for a couple days :)
3.) Borax, Washing Soda, Oxyclean, Vinegar. 4 ingredients for universal cleanliness. I have been making my own deodorant for months now but decided it was time to kiss our store bought detergents good bye. I spent $10 on these supplies and made my own laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, and all purpose cleaner. When I run out, I make more, no more unnecessary trips to the store.
Laundry Detergent4.) Local. Buy local, eat local, live local. Where does stuff come from? How did your shoes end up on your feet, your water bottle in the fridge, or your car in the garage? Think about it. The further stuff travels to get to you the more resources are used in the process. Support your local economy, your neighborhood businesses, and community farmers. Buy stuff secondhand. Make your own bread, coffee, and muffins. Give up the chain stores and restaurants once in a while. Give a hand. Just be local. Learn about your community, get involved, go to Farmer's markets, and volunteer!
1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Oxyclean
Shake in a container and add 1-3 tbls per load.
Dishwasher Detergent
1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Borax
1/2 cup of Kosher Salt
Shake in a container, add 1 tbls per load. Also add vinegar to rinse aid dispenser for added boost.
All-Purpose Cleaner
Spray bottle
1 cup plain 'ole vinegar
3 cups water
Shake and spray!
Coconut Oil Deodorant
1/4 Baking Soda
1/4 Constarch
6 tbls of Coconut oil
Mix together until paste forms. This lasts about 3 months for 2 people using it. For added ease, store in an old deodorant tube and keep in your fridge. Otherwise, any plain bowl or Tupperware will work.
5.) Love. Really? Love yourself, your children, your neigbor, friends, and earth. It is simple.
What are your resolutions?
I love this post! That's so great how green your family is! Do you have a recipe for the home-made deoderant you use? I'm interested because my husband's skin has been irritated by all the ones we can find at regular stores, maybe a home-made one would work for him! And make him less stinky =D hahaha