Tuesday, November 23, 2010

mama confesses:: my little wish list

Over the years Dale and I have learned to budget, make-do, and get creative.  We very rarely buy things new.  We very rarely buy things (aside from food) ever.  If we want a new hat, I make it.  If Kannon needs a new toy, I use what's on hand.  At first this was purely a budget thing.  Being a VISTA last year living in Montana we really had to make our tiny budget stretch but the more I saved pennies and got creative the more I realized how much stuff we had.  Dale and I grew to hate the clutter, the packaging, the waste that accompanied any new purchase.  So when we moved, we rid ourselves of all our junk and swore off buying new things.  It feels great.  Everything has a purpose in our house.  But.....

....these boots would keep my feet dry.  

and this would make dinner time a little easier when we make soups and purees.
and this would also make dinner a little easier when we to slice cucumber, potatoes, and beets.

....and I am tired of hunting after our one and only cordless phone.  Maybe two, or three, would help.

and when both my boys are fussy, this would help me wear both (especially now that Kannon is too heavy for the mei tie).

....maybe this teether would keep Kannon from chewing on my coffee table. 

....this tunnel would be fun for Kannon.

.....Clark would enjoy this.  So would Kannon.  

....And as much as I hate the double stroller, this one (and only this one!) would be wonderful for my sore back, quick trips, and when wearing two babies just isn't possible. 

I have a wish list.  Sometimes, I just want a few new things.  Things that I could live without but things that would definitely make my life a little easier.  Yes, I am being totally indulgent and unveiling my desires to the world.  Being a mom to two boys, I think I am entitled to a little fantasy. 

So what are your wishes? 


  1. I find it ironic? humorous? how my (and I see yours, too) wish list has so many things that are still baby related on it. Or things that will make our life easier as a mother. My wish list includes the Beaba Babycook, cloth diapers and inserts (obviously not for me), a Shark steam mop, a new printer/scanner combo (our current was vandalized by a certain 3 year old), I have a couple of CD requests in there, hmmm that's all I can think of off the top of my head! Hopefully Santa is good to us hard working Mamas! :D

  2. Aww! I love your list. :) It is so funny that we want things for our babies and giving to our children is like giving to us. :) makes me happy!

  3. Aww!!! I love the boots!! I got a pair at burlington for $20 and they are worth every penny!!! :)
