Sometimes Kannon just makes me laugh. His adventures are mine as well. His discoveries, milestones, and misadventures make me smile. Sometimes being a mom is just plain fun. I can laugh and forget the world around me. I can stare at my sweet boy and hear him laughing beside me. Yes, being a mom is hard. I have days when I don't think I will make it but then he laughs.
Kannon laughs at the dog chasing her tail, jumping up and down, or sometimes he laughs when she is just panting.
Kannon laughs at the cats wrestling up the stairs.
He laughs when we chase him up the stairs.
He laughs when he chases us up the stairs.
When we laugh, Kannon laughs.
When Dale and I kiss, Kannon laughs.
Whole body, giddy, toothy, laughs that melt your heart.
Then there are days, like today, when Kannon is just silly! I don't know where he gets these ideas from but like a wild hair he takes off on his own. Laughing and squeeling.
Today, while Dale was showering, Kannon open the shower door, and climbed right in--he was fully clothed. When Dale finally wiped the soap from his eyes and looked down--Kannon laughed.
We let him hang out in the bathroom without a diaper while we continued to get ready. I sat on the toilet and Kannon crawled over, stood up holding my knees---and peed. He started laughing and it started spraying everywhere.
Just when I got tired of chasing Kannon up and down the stairs, Kannon found the door stopper spring...and SPRRRRRIIIINNG. First a look of shock and then body shaking, purple face, laughter ensued. He laughed so hard he got tired and needed a few minutes to recoup. I laughed so hard I got tired, thirsty, and lost all bladder control.
Laughter. The sweet sound of my son's laughter gets me through every day. It has me dreaming peacefully and waking up in the middle of the night just to peak a glance at my sleeping angel. It has me waking up each day with smiles and joy. Oh, the sweet sound of laughter.
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