Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mom, Mama, or Mommy.....

The morning of our induction, Dale and I drove nervously and excitedly to the hospital. The stoplights flashed yellow and red. A few headlights passed us. The roads were virtually empty and Dale and I silent. I wondered to myself whether I was about to become a 'Mom', 'Mama', or 'Mommy'. Of course, I kept this question to myself knowing very well that eventually time would tell.

6 weeks later and I am staring blankly at the Christmas presents we just wrapped for Kannon. I still don't know what I am.

To: Kannon
Love: Mom, Mama, or Mommy???

I finally settled on Mommy, since that is what Dale always calls me in front of not only Kannon but our 1-year old dog, Emma. However, it led to me to some serious questioning. What does each one of these terms mean? How does one suit us but not the other? I cant see Kannon calling me 'Mom' as its too serious but 'Mama' is how I referred to my mother, a title I am not yet willing to share. So, 'Mommy' it is.

I almost wrote 'From: Kat' before I realized what I was doing. I am not 'Kat' anymore. I am a mother. A mother to an adorable bundle of love named Kannon. I never thought I would be so excited to finally contemplate whether I am a 'Mom', 'Mama', or 'Mommy' but the question thrills me.

Everyday I am constantly discovering new parts of myself, a new identity that I am quickly adjusting too. I love being a mom. Even in the face of 2 am diaper changes, feedings hour after hour, wiping spit-up off my shoulder and cleaning pee off my face because I (once again) forgot to cover that little wizzer. Parenting comes surprisingly natural and I find myself feeling grateful that I can juggle both baby, dog, and dinner with ease and grace.

The truth is, I am finally fulfilling the role I was always destined for. I have always been a mother. I made sack-lunches for my roommates in college (I even decorated their lunch bags with little flowers and hearts). I watched after my brother day after day with no complaints. I nag at friends and family to quit smoking, clean up, and rise before noon (just ask them). Cleaning comes easy. Cooking for 10 a blessing. I love teaching and even the little snot nosed 5-year olds warm my heart. So whether or not, Kannon chooses to call me--'Mom', 'Mama', or 'Mommy' (a question only time will answer) I am most definitely a mother, and that is a title I am in love with.

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