After two baby showers and very generous family Dale and I had baby stuff coming out of our ears. Our living room was a mine field trying to navigate the way from the bedroom to the bathroom during the night. Originally we weren't going to set up the baby's room until later but after too many stubbed toes, cursing, and more stuff we decided enough was enough and turned our spare room into an awesome little nursery for $38. Crazy, I know!
I had the perfect nursery pictured in my mind but Dale and I are limited in funds and really against buying new stuff only to fill our garbage with more packaging and waste. We aren't super "green" people but we are eco-conscious remembering to recycle, use reusable bags, and live a close to waste-free lifestyle. So imagine my excitement when I found two gallons of low-voc paint downstairs that had been left behind by a former tenant. The creamy latte and olive green paint inspired my nesting instinct and by the end of the day, our formerly wood-paneled spare bedroom was colored and ready for set-up!
Dale spent 4 hours one morning cursing from the bedroom as he set up the crib, but in a matter of time and patience the crib was settled into its final spot. We had a dresser that fits a changing pad perfectly, a rocking chair and ottoman that we bought for $10 at Goodwill, and a rug that came from my office. All that was needed was some wall art and a few shelves.
Dale suggested putting maps up and after all those years of collecting travel maps and post-cards I found a use for them! Maps of Italy, Germany, France, and Amsterdam fulfill our travel-bugs and post-cards that line the crown-molding will hopefully someday inspire our little one!
I found a shelf in the garage and added a coat of paint and with one trip to Target we found our nursery complete. We found a garbage can, mesh laundry bags (perfect for cloth diapers!) and organizational baskets (in addition to a few other items) for $28.
With a little creativity and some extra paint, we were able to turn our formally drab spare-room into a comfortable room that truly feels like a vacation within our home...and all for the low price of $38. The best part, it was all recycled, gifted, and (almost) waste-free. And of course, when I realize that I am changing a diaper full of shi* all I have to do is look up at the map of Paris and reminisce my days of parading the Champs d'Elysee.
Did I mention that we also scored a free bassinet from our neighbors to keep at our bedside for those early weeks??? Amazing.
I had the perfect nursery pictured in my mind but Dale and I are limited in funds and really against buying new stuff only to fill our garbage with more packaging and waste. We aren't super "green" people but we are eco-conscious remembering to recycle, use reusable bags, and live a close to waste-free lifestyle. So imagine my excitement when I found two gallons of low-voc paint downstairs that had been left behind by a former tenant. The creamy latte and olive green paint inspired my nesting instinct and by the end of the day, our formerly wood-paneled spare bedroom was colored and ready for set-up!
Dale spent 4 hours one morning cursing from the bedroom as he set up the crib, but in a matter of time and patience the crib was settled into its final spot. We had a dresser that fits a changing pad perfectly, a rocking chair and ottoman that we bought for $10 at Goodwill, and a rug that came from my office. All that was needed was some wall art and a few shelves.
Dale suggested putting maps up and after all those years of collecting travel maps and post-cards I found a use for them! Maps of Italy, Germany, France, and Amsterdam fulfill our travel-bugs and post-cards that line the crown-molding will hopefully someday inspire our little one!
I found a shelf in the garage and added a coat of paint and with one trip to Target we found our nursery complete. We found a garbage can, mesh laundry bags (perfect for cloth diapers!) and organizational baskets (in addition to a few other items) for $28.
With a little creativity and some extra paint, we were able to turn our formally drab spare-room into a comfortable room that truly feels like a vacation within our home...and all for the low price of $38. The best part, it was all recycled, gifted, and (almost) waste-free. And of course, when I realize that I am changing a diaper full of shi* all I have to do is look up at the map of Paris and reminisce my days of parading the Champs d'Elysee.
Did I mention that we also scored a free bassinet from our neighbors to keep at our bedside for those early weeks??? Amazing.
Ooooh! I LOVE the green color! How very cute is his room! Just waiting on baby now! :]