A couple of weird things have been happening lately.
1.) I have insomnia. Usually I can sleep like a log throughout the night, but the last few weeks I have been waking up at 2 am with extreme thirst. I drink a few glasses of water and I am still thirsty, not to mention I have to pee.
2.) My catnaps have been more prevalent. I fall asleep at my desk at work, watching tv, not to mention, I go to bed at 9pm.
3.) Super sense-o-smell. Dale got blue cheese last week, which I love. However, one whiff of the cheese sent me running.
4.) I woke up last week and realized that my period was late. I waited a week before taking a home pregnancy test just to make sure I wasnt super late, and as you may have guessed....it was POSITIVE!
I am pregnant! Many of you may have known that Dale and I stopped using birth control in December, but we werent expecting this to happen so quickly! We are estatic! I am only 5-6 weeks along, so it is still early, but the prego symptoms are already there! I cant believe how much anxiety can rest on a pee stick (ie home preg. test). Seriously, I was so excited to take the test, it was like Christmas morning all over again. Now, I just stare at this stupid pee-stick because of this big fat positive. Over a pee-stick, really? Dale said I should start carrying it in my purse.
I spoke with the doctor yesterday and based on my last missed period Dale and I are due sometime between October 26 and November 2. (Dale is hoping for his birthday, Oct 23, I am hoping for a Halloween baby!) We wont know for sure until we go in for an ultrasound March 19. We have already told our parents, but we want to keep it quiet until we know for sure.
PS, We really would like to have a girl first but I have this overwhelming sense that we are having a boy....it may seem weird because we are only a few weeks, but I just have this "feeling".
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