After three days of working on my fluorescent conference room tan, I am pleased to announce that I am OFFICIALLY an AmeriCorps VISTA member.
We had an official swearing-in at the Governor's office in Helena on Thursday. Let me add, only in Montana will you find lobbyists in blue jeans, governor's dogs roaming the office, and a room full of trophy heads.
For those of you unfamiliar with AmeriCorps, it is essentially the domestic PeaceCorps and my particular branch, VISTA targets social justice issues, especially those dealing with poverty. Montana Campus Compact who are partnered with AmeriCorps work on building civic engagement of college students within their communities. Currently, I feel like I have the longest job title ever as I am an AmeriCorps VISTA member working with Montana Campus Compact through my work at Sentinel High School.....whew, what a mouthful.
Anyways, I am very eager to start working on Tuesday as I will be helping those plan for life after high school (ie college/career counseling) in addition to other duties like increasing civic engagement and parent involvement. For those of you who know my background, interests, and experience, this job could not be any more perfect. (Go educational equality....WOOT!!!)
At training I was so suprised to meet so many people from all over: Alabama, Tennessee, Michigan, Virginia.....etc. Being a west-coaster I have never really had interaction with anyone beyond the Mississippi. Meeting all those new faces and new cultures was completely eye-opening and I hope that throughout this year of service I will learn more about Southern etiquette.
VISTA provides tons of training and benefits and the next few months will be hectic but rewarding (especially if you are a conference junkie like me!) We are headed to Helena for a community building training in February and then Fairmont Hot Springs in March and then Bozeman in April. Whew!
Did I mention the benefits???? AmeriCorps works with the University of Montana so that members can get GRADUATE credit for their year of service. In addition, to health coverage, rellocation expenses, awesome VISTA t-shirts, they encouraged us to apply for public assistance. Dale (currently unemployed) and I qualified for $350 a month for groceries. I guess thats how they make up only dispersing $833 a month for my glorious position.
That was probably way more information than you wanted but I am just trying to encourage all my friends to join VISTA and come to Montana. Besides what could better than serving your country in the form of working towards social justice.....yes, I am also a social justice junkie being as I went to a jesuit school.
I hope that explains a little why Dale and I up and moved 428 miles away to Montana. Any questions let me know!
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